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Michigan Researcher/Genealogist- Karen Olszeski

Areas of expertise in ALL Michigan counties,

as well as other Midwestern states and Canada.

Specializing in Native American research.

30 years experience

674 Chicago Dr., Howell, MI, 48843

Tel: (517) 546-1557


My father John Klapko & family, arrived in the US from Slovakia (1910)

"I take great pride in helping people

locate their long lost ancestors. " ... Karen Olszeski


  • Conducting quality professional research for over 30 years.

  • Extensive knowledge of genealogical information repositories for all Michigan counties including State of Michigan Archives, Library of Michigan, Michigan Department of Public Health, Latter Day Saints Family History Center, East Lansing Branch, County courthouses and cemeteries.

    References available upon request.


    • Full genealogical research services for all counties of Michigan, including travel within 50 miles to courthouses and cemeteries and photographing headstones.

    • Civil War research.

    • Native American Research

      Fee Information: