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This Week's Top Stories
August 24, 2001

| Technology | Business/Finance | Entertainment | Consumer Electronics |

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Teen Internet Tycoons: Moguls For The Next Generation… On The Webmaster Show

FRESNO, CA and PALM DESERT, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/17/2001 -- This week's The Webmaster Show is focusing on several of these success stories by profiling the achievements of two remarkable teenagers, Michael Furdyk and Ashley Power, two wonderkids, actually two teenage Internet tycoons, who have successfully turned their web-based hobbies and fun and games into million dollar businesses. more>>

RealNet Solutions
RealNet / RedDot Partnership Promises Customers The World’s Most Comprehensive Web Content Management ASP Alternative

ATLANTA, GA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/20/2001 -- The Alternative will provide customers with comprehensive means to manage and update the online content of their Website, Intranet, or Extranet on an enterprise wide level. RealNet Solutions enables companies to take advantage from the enormous benefits of RedDot?s web content management solution without the significant cash expenditures so prohibitive in this slow economy. more>>

Mosquito Barrier
First-Of-Its-Kind All-Natural Mosquito Repellent For Grassy Areas Works

GLENDALE, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/21/2001 -- Mosquito Barrier masks the carbon dioxide odor that attracts the female mosquito to animals and humans and propels the pesky insects to suck their blood. "I was shocked by its effectiveness. After spraying Mosquito Barrier around the area?s salt water marshes and fields, our town employees are now able to work outdoors in t-shirts and spectators can watch our local softball team and not have to fend off mosquitoes with cans of Raid? or Off?." more>>

NetNation Communications
NetNation Today Announced That It Has Received A Staff Determination Letter From The Nasdaq Stock Market

VANCOUVER, BC -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/17/2001 -- NetNation has received a Nasdaq Staff Determination dated August 16, 2001 indicating that the Company fails to comply with the minimum $35,000,000 common stock market capitalization required for continued listing as set forth in Nasdaq Marketplace Rule 4310(c)(2)(B)(ii), and that its securities are, therefore, subject to delisting from the Nasdaq SmallCap Market at the opening of business on August 24, 2001 unless it appeals this determination. more>>

Black & Decker
Black & Decker Builds Powerhouse Of Home Improvement Resources On The Web

TOWSON, MD -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/20/2001 -- The new website offers a complete online product catalog and extensive how-to information from the chapters of Black & Decker?s best selling book series. The how-to content includes hundreds of step-by-step instructional segments for repairs and remodeling as well as specific content that is rotated on a seasonal basis to address a do-it-yourselfer?s and homeowner?s current needs for the right information. more>>

Best Book Buys
Best Book Buys(TM) Named By Money(R) As Back-To-School Textbook Bargain Site

ALTADENA, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/20/2001 -- Money magazine reported, "For students who want to avoid the long lines and big bills at the campus bookstore, there?s, an on-line shopping bot that compares prices at 25 online bookstores and reports the cost (including shipping and sales tax) for new and used books." more>>
52 Independent Music Publishers Seek Damages For “Viral” Copyright Infringements From

NASHVILLE, TN -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/21/2001 -- The complaint identifies about 1,000 individual songs whose publishing rights were repeatedly infringed. The lawsuit was filed after failed to reach a settlement for its unauthorized use of the independent publishers? copyrights. It is the first lawsuit against seeking damages for enabling viral infringements, and believed among the first ever to make this argument. more>>

Clip Genius
Internet News Clipping Service Launches With Technology That Provides Customized Searches At A Fraction Of What Others Cost

ALEXANDRIA, VA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/22/2001 -- Clip Genius, which tracks stories on more than 150 news web sites, sends its clients the most up-to-date information and solves the growing problem of information overload. Public relations firms and organizations in a variety of fields are paying often many thousands of dollars for clipping services. Clip Genius becomes an exceedingly cost-effective alternative. more>>

Multicast Technologies and AudioSonix
Multicast Technologies And AudioSonix Team Up To Provide Unrivaled Internet Based Automated Digital File Delivery Services

FAIRFAX, VA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/20/2001 -- The joint agreement will allow the customers of both companies to transfer large digital files over the Internet that are now delivered either via satellite services or shipped on CD ROM's, DATs or other physical media. Multicast Technologies and AudioSonix will demonstrate the service at a hotel suite party being held at the NAB X-Stream Show on Thursday, September 6th from 4:30-6:30 PM at The New Orleans Riverside Hilton Hotel in the Belle Chasse Room. more>>


Rodex Industries
Rodex 4000 Eliminates Rodents With Latest Technology

MIDVALE, ID -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/21/2001 -- The Rodex 4000 System is an offensive approach to burrowing rodent control. It's actually an elimination system rather than a control system. Marketed exclusively to the agriculture industry in the past, it's now available to the mass market where rodent problems exist. more>>
Employee Training Made Simple With

LOS ANGELES, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/21/2001 -- is a new Web site that provides organizations with a full spectrum of training tools for improving employee and business performance. This "one-stop-shop" site was designed to help today's executives, managers, entrepreneurs and human resources professionals meet the needs of their employees. more>>

ShopEaze Systems
ShopEaze Systems, Inc. Delivers Next Generation eCommerce Solution

SUNNYVALE, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/20/2001 -- ShopEaze Systems announced the availability of ShopEaze eCommerce Solution 2.3. This product provides the retail community with the tools to effectively communicate one-to-one with the consumers by delivering targeted Electronic Consumer Incentives? (ECI?s) based on current and prior shopping behavior in a real-time environment. more>>

IBM Wins Web Hosting Magazine's "Best Hosts" Award

SOMERS, NY -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/21/2001 -- The award is based on "evidence of financial stability, positive and well-managed growth, competitive range of services, industry reputation and management enthusiasm," according to Shirley Siluk Gregory, editor of Web Hosting Magazine. IBM was singled out for its "Web Hosting Solutions," the magazine said. more>>


The Ninjai Gang
Ninjai Overwhelmed By Success

-- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/22/2001 -- First released two months ago, Ninjai has made a huge splash on the net. 125 thousand unique visitors (over 7 million hits) have been registered this last month simply by grass roots word-of-mouth promotion. Ninjai, Act 2 will be released in a few weeks. Act 1 was made up of 5 chapters. more>>

James Arness
Gunsmoke Star James Arness Publishes Long-Awaited Autobiography

LOS ANGELES, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/20/2001 -- James Arness has completed his long-waited autobiography. Published by McFarland, the book contains never-before-seen photos from the actor?s personal collection. Fellow Gunsmoke actor and friend, Burt Reynolds, penned the book?s foreword and said his years on Gunsmoke were the best of times. more>>
Motion Picture And Television Fund And Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation To Benefit From “Rat Race” Auto Auction On

LOS ANGELES, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/21/2001 -- The two replica Mercedes created especially for the film are now up for auction on, with net proceeds from the sale benefiting the Motion Picture and Television Fund and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. The original Mercedes is said to be valued somewhere between five and ten million dollars because of its historical significance. more>>

Comic-Con International
Comic-Con International Grows In Terms Of Size And Scope

SAN DIEGO, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/21/2001 -- The scope of the event grew as companies from a variety of industries took exhibit space on the floor. From Microsoft's X-Box video game, to Sony Playstation and Activision, to movie studios and entertainment companies such as Bandai Entertainment, Central Park Media, Dimension Films, Don Bluth Films, Dreamworks SKG, Fox Television, MGM Television, Paramount Television, Sci Fi Channel and USA Films. more>>

Consumer Electronics

Pharos’ Pocket GPS Navigator Successfully Navigates The Microsoft Mobile Experience Tour Truck

TORRANCE, CA -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 08/21/2001 -- The Pharos Pocket GPS Navigator was used in conjunction with three different pocket PC?s in three different tour vehicles, including an HP Jornada in the tour truck. The Pocket GPS Navigator includes complete U.S. map coverage, fast zoom and search functions, and a full GPS display that includes speed, heading, altitude, latitude, longitude, precise time, and individual satellite details. more>>

Daily Debuts
Interesting websites from A to Z! --
A Brand New, Collaborative Concept In Online Gaming. --
Broadband Information Resource Featuring News, Forums, Provider Search, And Links

MasterBoard --
Master*Board Is A Cutting Edge Technology In Bulletin Board/Message Forum Systems.

Carol's Suspense and Fantasy Site --
Read Chapters And Reviews Of Riveting Suspense And Fantasy Novels.

Haley & Steele --
Specialists In The Sale And Care Of Fine Art Since 1899 --
MyRatePlan Launches QuikFilter....The Fastest Way To The Best Wireless Calling Plan.

MasterBoard --
Master*Board Is A Cutting Edge Technology In Bulletin Board/Message Forum Systems

Talking News Release --
New Real Audio Release System Helps Journalists Screen Experts. --
Educates Teens About Milk Benefits Through Games And Health Information

Index of Today's Headlines

IMG2 Teen Internet Tycoons: Moguls For The Next Generation… On The Webmaster Show
RealNet Solutions RealNet / RedDot Partnership Promises Customers The World’s Most Comprehensive Web Content Management ASP Alternative
Mosquito Barrier First-Of-Its-Kind All-Natural Mosquito Repellent For Grassy Areas Works
NetNation Communications NetNation Today Announced That It Has Received A Staff Determination Letter From The Nasdaq Stock Market
Black & Decker Black & Decker Builds Powerhouse Of Home Improvement Resources On The Web
Best Book Buys Best Book Buys(TM) Named By Money(R) As Back-To-School Textbook Bargain Site 52 Independent Music Publishers Seek Damages For “Viral” Copyright Infringements From
Clip Genius Internet News Clipping Service Launches With Technology That Provides Customized Searches At A Fraction Of What Others Cost
Multicast Technologies and AudioSonix Multicast Technologies And AudioSonix Team Up To Provide Unrivaled Internet Based Automated Digital File Delivery Services

Rodex Industries Rodex 4000 Eliminates Rodents With Latest Technology Employee Training Made Simple With
ShopEaze Systems ShopEaze Systems, Inc. Delivers Next Generation eCommerce Solution
IBM IBM Wins Web Hosting Magazine's "Best Hosts" Award

The Ninjai Gang Ninjai Overwhelmed By Success
James Arness Gunsmoke Star James Arness Publishes Long-Awaited Autobiography Motion Picture And Television Fund And Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation To Benefit From “Rat Race” Auto Auction On
Comic-Con International Comic-Con International Grows In Terms Of Size And Scope

Consumer Electronics
Pharos Pharos’ Pocket GPS Navigator Successfully Navigates The Microsoft Mobile Experience Tour Truck

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