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Welcome to Blessed By An Angel


Blessed By An Angel

Jane (MOM)Hi! My name is Jane. Welcome to my homepage. I am so glad you decided to visit. Let me tell you a little about myself. My husband’s name is Don and we live in Minnesota. Sean is my oldest son and is married to Stefanie. They have two beautiful daughters Sydney and Samantha. Shane is married to Denise and they were blessed with a beautiful daughter, Kaitlyn, last April. Shand is single and still looking for the “right” girl. Sarah is a junior in high school. Even though we are blessed to have our children living within four hours away, we don’t get to see them enough.

Sarah My daughter, Sarah Jane, is the inspiration for my website. I chose the name “Blessed By An Angel” because of her. She has blonde hair and blue eyes like the angel and with the doves, it reminds me that the Holy Spirit is not only in her but around her. Psalms 139 13-16 tells us that all babies are a miracle from God. I went into premature labor in my 6th month of pregnancy. I was given medication to stop the labor but what happened was that it poisoned both of us. I was transferred to Minneapolis in critical condition. I never felt so helpless and desperate in my life. I cried out to Jesus for HELP! He gave me that peace which “passes all understanding” and I knew in the Spirit that everything was going to be alright. The next month wasn’t a piece of cake. Complications arose and each time, I would “pray in the Spirit” and receive a total peace. I remember the nurses running down the hallway with me in the bed on the way to the delivery room and the baby’s monitor going crazy. I asked “What is wrong”? The reply was “The baby is in stress”. I started thanking and praising Jesus that He was in control and my baby was in His hands. After my beautiful daughter was born, I was told that she went into stress because the cord was wrapped around her neck and if she had gone to term, she would have been stillborn. God was in control all the time. What an awesome God we serve!

Sarah’s life was dedicated back to God on January 1, 1984. When she was two years old, she was diagnosed with two different growths on her kidney and the doctors didn’t know if they should operate or not. They had never seen two intertwined before. I took her down to the altar and our evangelist/pastor laid hands on her and Jesus healed her. When she was 8 years old, she received a prophecy that she would play 1, 2, 3, 4 or more instruments. Today she plays the piano, clarinet, bass clarinet and we recently purchased a cello for her. Sarah is active in many sports and manages to stay on the honor roll. This past winter she took a college course over the Internet and got a B. A year ago this month, a small band was formed in our church. We are called “The Jesus Praise & Worship” band. Fran plays the organ, JoAnn the Q Chord (formerly known as the Omni Chord), I play the electric bass guitar and Sarah plays her bass clarinet. We have had the honor of being invited to play in a nursing home, a revival, the city’s Thanksgiving Service, etc. We love to lift up the name of JESUS wherever we go.

I love, respect and admire my daughter more than words can express.

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