I have been working with a program called Paint Shop Pro for a few years now. Most people call it PSP. I took some classes with Artistry In PSP and never could I imagine I could make the graphics I do now. After the classes were over you could join their group called Masters and I have been with them every since. We still continue to learn new ways all the time, I don't think you ever quit learning. I have been also taking some HTML classes and still have a ways with that to go, but I will continue with the classes, html is a code you learn to make all these web pages. As I learn more and more my pages will change for the better. This is a new part f my site so bare with me as I start all the links to different things I have learned. I will have a lot of artwork I have created, just click on the links below to see them all, as I said I am just starting to add them. So check back often, I will be making tags and putting your names on them for request, just so much to list here. I hope you enjoy seeing my work as much as I enjoyed creating them. Click on the logo below for classes.


A great woman by the name of Josephine Wall did the painting of the graphic I used for this page. You can go see all her wonderful art at the url below.




