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A Tribute To My Sister "Diana"

(Thank you Neens for making this graphic for me.)

It has taken me a long time to write this. I have grief still in my heart for Diana. She was some kind of special to me. She was my best friend in the world. We could tell each other anything. I really don't know where to begin. If I started from the beginning when she tore up my Romeo and Juliet glossy pictures I sent off for, this would turn out to be a book. Lets see that was back in 1969 I think. So lets go forward. We had a rough life growing up. As a lot of Cajuns did years ago. My parents were both alcoholics. There were five of us kids; I was the oldest so I was the mama... There were three boys and two girls. I had help from my grandmother to guide me and other relatives. Diana was always the free spirited one. I remember we all would get new school clothes every year and she would trade off with her friends so it would seem like she had new clothes all the time.

As we grew older and were making life for ourselves, Diana and I were never far apart. I got married my first time at 18 and she had to get away from home because I was not there, so she got married when she was 15 and had her son when she was 17. She looked like a little girl pregnant. It was fun feeling the baby kicking and watching him move around...Then the day came when she was mama of a little baby boy.... She was still a kid and I helped her raise her son. I could never have any children...

Then a few years later she moved about 5 hours from me. I thought my world was going to end. Talk about high phone bills. However, we would see each other as much as we could. I would go there or she would come to see me. She was in her 20s when she had to have a hysterectomy. That was a big thing for us to go through. No more kids for her or me. 

My husband then was in oilfield work and that all went down and Diana talked us into moving from a very small town to Dallas, Texas. I cried for three months missing home. My X got a job then we moved out from Diana's and got our own place. Oh, how I hated Dallas but with her there it made it so much easier. Then Ben, her son, was living with me. He was a very problem child, which broke her heart. She loved him so much. She just could not handle him.

Lady Di was her favorite famous person.  The song playing is "Candle In The Wind" It was her favorite. Elton John rewrote it for Lady Di when she was killed in car crash.

(Thank you Sierra for making this graphic for me.)

Background done by Neens

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