Best viewed with a screen setting of 800x600 with color setting of True Color (32-bit). Please be patient while graphics upload to your browser.
- Free Cross-Stitch Patterns and Lessons from About.com: http://crossstitch.about.com/?once=true&
- Offers links to free cross-stitch patterns and information.
- Bichinhos' Free Graphs: http://www.geocities.com/patricialourenco/bichinhos.html
- Offers some cute small graphs for cross-stitching.
- Brigitte's Knitting Page: http://www.breienmetplezier.nl/index2.htm
- Offers some free graphs for use in knitting patterns but they can also be used for cross-stitch or in afghan stitch crochet.
- Cindy's Crochet Pages: http://www.crochet.borgbilly.com/patterns/patterns.htm
- Cindy's site offers some of her original patterns along with free ones. And if you have a lot of patterns at home and are looking for some ideas on how to organize it, you should read Cindy's page for Get It Organized!
- Counted Cross Stitch, Needlework, and Stitchery Page: http://home.comcast.net/~kathydyer/
- Kathleen Dyer's site for counted cross-stitch, needlework, and stitchery. Offers free charts along with lots of other information/links.
- Craft Yarn Council of America: http://www.craftyarncouncil.com/
- Offers free patterns, tutorials, bulletin boards for discussion groups and more!
- Designs By J.A.M.I.: http://www.designsbyjami.on.ca/
- This site offers original crochet afghan patterns for sale and they will also do custom order patterns. They also have some free crochet patterns available as well.
- DMC's Project Central: http://www.dmc-usa.com/
- Be sure to visit DMC's Project Central for free patterns for crochet, cross-stitch and more. You can even subscribe to be notified when the free Pattern of the Month is ready.
- Free Graphs from La Casa Blava: http://www.lacasablava.com/es/grafics.htm
- Another site offering free graphs but you may need a translator to read the pages. They offer free downloads of zip files for the patterns.
- FreePatterns.com: http://www.freepatterns.com/
- FreePatterns.com offers free patterns for all kinds of crafts and the membership to join is FREE!
- Free Patterns from EMS Design: http://www.maurer-stroh.com/
- Cross-stitch patterns by Ellen Maurer-Stroh. She has some adorable designs here. Please note that you must be registered to have access to the free pattern archive.
- I Love Stitch: http://ilikestitch.com.ne.kr/
- This site is NOT in English but does offer a lot of cute characters in graphs.
- Inicio's Virtual 2000 - Ponto Cruz: http://www.virtual2000.com.br/pontocruz/index.htm
- Has some different graphs for animals, Christmas, cartoon characters, flowers, alphabet, and more. I think the site is in Portuguese so unless you can translate it yourself, you might need to use a translator to read what is on the site. Otherwise, there are lots of nice graphs at the site!
- KnitPro: http://www.microrevolt.org/knitPro.htm
- From microRevolt.org which says that "knitPro is a web application that translates digital images into knit, crochet, needlepoint and cross-stitch patterns. Just upload jpeg, gif or png images of whatever you wish -- portraits, landscapes, logos... and it will generate the image pattern on a graph sizable for any fiber project." NOTE: You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the results from KnitPro as KnitPro will export a .pdf file to your desktop when your digital image is translated.
- Kreinik Freebies: http://www.kreinik.com/HTML/freebies/kreinik_freebies.html
- Offers all kinds of free craft patterns/projects.
- Kris' Krochet Korner: http://www.geocities.com/ladyntsn/baby.html
- Offers free baby patterns.
- MariArte: http://www.mariarte.net/
- Offers a free new pattern every day as well as a gallery collection of over 9000 patterns.
- Needlepointers.com Crochet Information and Patterns: http://www.needlepointers.com/department.aspx?NavID=14
- Has lots to offer for those looking for crochet or knitting information, links, and patterns.
- Original Designs from crosstitch.com: http://crosstitch.com/pdes98.shtml
- Offers some free designs as well as having some for sale.
- Priscilla's Crochet Free Pattern Index: http://web.archive.org/web/20061224060146/http://www.priscillascrochet.com/patterns.html
- Some archived pages of Priscilla Hewitt's free crochet patterns that I'm sure you will love. Try the following non-archived links if you are looking for Priscilla's patterns to make your own aluminum crochet hook case/steel crochet hook case/caddy/roll.
- Patriotic Charts from Gloria and Pat: http://www.gloria-pat.com/resources/patriotic_freebies.html
- Free Precious Moments' Patriotic Charts from Gloria and Pat.
- Serendipity Crochet: http://serendipity.gpvm.com/serendipity.htm
- This site offers some different crochet patterns as well as providing instructions for making your own flexible afghan hook or a straight wooden crochet hook. Includes dowel sizes that can be found at most hardware stores or craft stores.
- Shona's Place: Mini Graphs for Crochet or Cross-Stitch: http://shonasplace.greycastle.net/Crochet/MyPatterns/minigraphs.html
- Nice little graphs to use for crochet or cross-stitch.
- Sue's Cross Stitch Freebie Finder: http://homepage.powerup.com.au/~sheal/freebies.htm
- You can search here for places to visit.
- Vermillion Stitchery: http://www.vsccs.com/index.htm
- Offers some free charts for cross-stitching. They offer a free chart series, Design Potpourri for 2007, Birds & Butterflies for 2006.
- Vicki's Crochet Designs: http://vickisdesigns.tripod.com/afghan.htm
- Original crochet designs by Vicki Becker. She has some beautiful afghan patterns to offer for free as well as some graphs.
Graph Paper
Online places that offer free graph paper to print out:
Crochet Patterns/LinksAll links listed below were working as of 18 Nov. 2007. If you find a link that is no longer working, please e-mail me and let me know about the problem.
Clothing and Accessories:
Crochet Hook/Knitting Needle Holders/Cases:
Doilies & Centerpieces:
Dolls, Doll Clothing and Accessories:
Fridgies and Ornaments:
Plastic Crocheting:
Thread Holders:
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Web page background, site, and design created by Cheryl (a.k.a. "Cinnaminn"). Originally created 16 August 2002 and updated as of 29 June 2009. Guestbook courtesy of HTML Gear. Some graphics courtesy of Lacefairy.
