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Rey & Luna's Corner Mouse with thread

We added a new member to our household on Sunday, May 7, 2006. *S* His name is Rey and he's a small male Chihuahua who was 8 months old when he joined our household and weighed 3 pounds. Some people call his size a teacup size. You can see more photos of Rey in his photo album at

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Click on a photo below to see the full-size photo in my Epson album.
Rey, our Chihuahua Rey, our Chihuahua Rey and Shadow
Above photos of Rey taken by Cheryl on 7 May 2006. Above photo of Rey & Shadow taken by Cheryl on 14 May 2006.
Rey, our Chihuahua Rey, our Chihuahua
Above photos of Rey taken by Melissa.
Rey's sweater in second row crocheted & modified by Cheryl from purchased pattern designed by Christine (Christy) Britain.
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Rey is the smallest dog we've ever owned and liable to be one of the most spoiled due to his size and because he is meant to be my dog (a.k.a. "Mom's dog"). I've been busy getting Rey all duded up with new clothes and thought it appropriate to give Rey his own corner at my web site since he already thinks that wherever I go, he goes. *L*
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Click on a photo below to see the full-size photo in my Epson album.
Luna, our female Chihuahua Luna, our female Chihuahua Luna, our female Chihuahua
Luna, our female Chihuahua Luna, our female Chihuahua Luna, our female Chihuahua
Above photos of Luna all taken by Melissa.
Luna's sweater in first (top) row of photos crocheted & modified by Cheryl from free online pattern at Crochet 'N' More.
Luna's sweater in second row crocheted & modified by Cheryl from purchased pattern designed by Christine (Christy) Britain.
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     Update 29 Dec. 2006:  Rey now has a female Chihuahua friend/companion in our home as of 13 Dec. 2006! *S* She's a cute little puppy we've named Luna that Melissa (my youngest daughter) has claimed as her puppy/dog as it was love at first sight of her. *LOL*
     Luna is an adorable lt. brown and white puppy who was born 18 Oct. 2006 (my dad's birthday) and she arrived in our home on 13 Dec. 2006 (my oldest daughter's birthday!) so I think it was meant for us to adopt her (at least that was one of my main lines of reasoning/argument with my husband when he came home from a trip to Mexico for work about 1 week later).
     Rey and Luna are getting along great - they enjoy playing together as well as chasing each other around the house. I suspect that Luna will be at least slightly bigger than Rey as she weighed just a little over 3 lbs. at 9 wks. old when she was adopted into our family and Rey currently weighs about 4½ lbs. but both of her parents were small so it may be hard to tell just how much bigger she will be. We're hoping that she keeps her "mellow" mood as she gets older as she can be so comical in some of the things that she does. She doesn't take any "guff" from Rey though or she gives it as good as she gets it. *LOL* She also loves to snuggle/cuddle and seems to enjoy sleeping on her back at times.
     I hope to be posting some new photos of Rey (as well as of Luna) whenever I can convince Melissa to let me have my digital camera back long enough to take some new photos (she keeps borrowing it for her college photography classes).
     Update 14 Feb. 2007:  Luna has insisted that her name be added to Rey's page but she graciously conceded to take 2nd billing on the page(s) rather than 1st, murmuring something about "age before beauty...." *L* She has also convinced Rey that it was time for them to start their own want list of things they think they need and/or should have ( - whether or not they get them will be/is another story but please don't tell them I said that. *LOL*) I'll be adding their want list to the site as soon as they get done doing their "window shopping." BTW, Luna is now weighing a little over 5 lbs and Rey's now just a ounce or two under/below her weight. I've told my dd that we should have named her "Gypsy Rose Lee" because of the way she likes to get out of her clothes (strip) and/or strip Rey out of his! We decided to split up the links for the pet items onto different pages so the new pages should load up much faster than the old page. *S*
     Update 12 April 2007:  I finally managed to find some time to add some of Melissa's photos of Luna (along with some of her new ones of Rey) to our web page and photo albums. *S*

     We've included a list of all of the links we've found so far online in our mission/search for clothes and accessories for extra-small dogs like Rey as well as other sizes/breeds including cats. All of these links were currently working as of 14 Feb. 2007. If you do find a link that is not working, please e-mail me to let me know about the problem and be sure to be as specific as possible about which link(s) you're having trouble with. As an alternative before e-mailing me, you may want to try using the Internet Archives' Wayback Machine to find an archived version of a web page/URL that doesn't seem to be working for one reason or another.

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Rey spotted these laws on some posters/fridgies while I was shopping on eBay & he insisted that they be posted on his page!
(Actually he wanted me to buy the poster AND the fridgie but we agreed to compromise and post the laws here on HIS page. *LOL*)

Rey's paw print of approval  Chihuahua Property Laws  Rey's paw print of approval

  1. If I like it, it's mine.
  2. If it's in my mouth, it's mine.
  3. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
  4. If I can take it from you, it's mine.
  5. If it's mine, it must never be yours.
  6. If it just looks like mine, it's mine.
  7. If I saw it first, it's mine.
  8. If you are playing with something else and put it down, it's mine.
  9. If I am chewing something up, all the pieces are mine.
  10. If it used to be yours, get over it.
  11. If it's broken, it's yours.

Letter For Pets
I got this letter from an online friend and thought it was too cute not to share.
Rey is not too happy with the first part of this letter but he loves part of the message that is supposed to be posted on the front door.
(Can you guess which part of the letter that Rey loves? *LOL*)

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Items for Pets

 † = no photo     * = pics/photos    ♥ = Definitely Chihuahua!
Rey's paw print of approval = Rey's paw print of approval

 (C) = Crochet     (Cr) = Crafts     (K) = Knit     (KKL) = Knifty Knitter Loom     
(MK) = Machine Knit     (P) = Paper     (S) = Sewing

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Web site and design created by Cheryl (a.k.a. "Cinnaminn").
Originally created 12 May 2006 and updated as of 18 Oct. 2007.
Guestbook courtesy of HTML Gear. Some graphics courtesy of Lacefairy.
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