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Band All Nighter

What is the band all nighter?

The band all nighter is a night in which band students can spend the night at the school and have a big all night party full of games, food and other fun things to do.

Do you have to pay to go?

Yes, but this is in order to pay for the hypnotist that usually comes, as well as the many other fun things to do. Also, it will help pay for your dinner (probably pizza) and breakfast. When the time comes for the all nighter, the price will be posted in the calender and in the updates.

What should I bring?

The same things you would bring to a regular sleepover. A lot of people bring a pillow and blanket in case they can't make it the whole night (most people can't). You can bring pajamas, a change of clothes, or whatever else you feel you would need. You should also bring a bathing suit because the pool will be open. Also, you will probably be asked to bring a snack of some sort. It's a good idea to remember this because the snack food goes fast.

If I can't stay up, where do I sleep?

Girls are put in the band room and boys stay in the community room (located to the left when you first walk into the school).

Who will be chaperoning?

Parents will be chaperoning. We can use as many parents as we can get. There are three shifts. There is a shift for the first half of the all nighter, one for the second half, and one for all night. Without the parents chaperoning, we can't have the all nighter. So I advise you to let your parents help out.
