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Band Camp

Why do you go to band camp?

The reason we go to band camp is to give us a chance to learn our new marching show for the year while at the same time be building friendships and work together as a group. It also makes it easier to keep track of everyone. If we were to stay home, then there would be tons of excuses like "Oh, my mom couldn't drive me." "I had to work." and so on. Going away for band camp makes everything much easier on everyone. Plus, it's a fun get away for you to spend with your friends.

What kind of things should I bring?

You bring the same things to band camp that you would bring on a week long vacation. Remember not to forget your instrument! That is important. Also you should have a "marker" for the field. This means just a small item you can put on the ground to remember the last formation you were in. Make sure it is something you don't care about a lot because it will get stepped on. Also, don't forget your polo, hat and white pants. These are needed for the performance given on the last day showing the parents what we accomplished over the week. To see a complete list of things you should bring go to the rules, regulations and checklist page.

How long is band camp?

Band camp all together is two weeks long. It consists of pre-camp, which is important mostly for freshman. In this week we work on basic marching skills that had been taught at tryouts, and we usually learn how to do our "pre-game" performance. The second week is when we actually go away to a university (usually Central Michigan University) To work on the actual show.

What are the section leaders?

Section leaders are ment to help keep your particular section in order. There are usually 1-3 section leaders per instrument section. They make sure you are marching right, marching in formation, that you are playing your music right, and that you are not causing any disturbances. This makes it easier for the director to focus on the band as a whole instead of having to focuse on individual sections. Section leaders are to be respected and not to be taken advantage of. They are your superior and to be taken seriously.

Do I really have to memorize my music?!

Yes. This may sound like a lot to ask, but it's not. Think about it. You are playing it so much, you will end up memorizing it anyway. By memorizing all your music, you no longer have to focus on what you are playing and you can focus on your marching instead.

Wow... band camp is REALLY expensive...

Yes... it is. But the money is well spent. If you can't afford it, talk with the band director to work something out.

If I don't go to band camp, can I still be in the marching band?

Yes and no. If you don't go to band camp, the only thing you can participate in is parades. If you don't go to camp, you would get very behind in learning the show and it would just end up being to much of a burden to deal with.
