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Solo & Ensemble

High school band members have the opportunity to participate in the solo and ensemble festival, which is usually held in January. A student can choose to play a solo with piano accompaniment, or play in an ensemble with other students. Piano and percussion solos and ensembles are also played at the festival. The high school level solo and ensemble festival is judged at higher standards than the middle school level, and is meant to challenge band members at any ability. All students are encouraged to participate. Preparation for solo and ensemble festival usually begins in October or November.

Students who earn a first or second division rating receive medals. In high school, students earning a first division rating have the option of going to the State level solo and ensemble, which is held sometime in March. State solo and ensemble is judged at an even higher standard than at the district festival. For soloists in grades 10 through 12 who decide to continue on to the state level, they are required to show proficiency in scales and sight-reading, as well as performing their prepared solo. There are 3 levels of proficiency; level 1 for 10th grade, level 2 for 11th grade, and level 3 for 12th grade. Scales count towards 25 points of the final rating, sight-reading is 25 points, and the solo is 50 points. A perfect score is 100 points. A student earning 85 to 100 points receives a first division rating, and a student earning 70 to 84 points receives a second division. First and second division recipients receive medals. Additionally, soloists who earn a 1st division rating receive a certificate, and can be eligible to be nominated for a special honors band.

If you would like to know more about Solo & Ensemble or other events held by The Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association, please go to their website at
