Political Cartoon #1
1.Describe the issue or issues involved in this cartoon. (3 to 4 sentences)
2.Describe all of the symbols used in the cartoon and describe what each represents.
3.What is the cartoonist trying to say? (2 to 3 sentences)
4.What do you think about the issue(s)? Do you agree with the cartoonist? Why or why not? (2 to 3 sentences)
5.Explain how or why 2 C.D.V. are related to this cartoon and underline them.
CDV’s - F.B.- Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, Common Good, Justice, Equality, Diversity, Truth, Popular Sovereignty, & Patriotism. C.P.- Rule of Law, Separation of powers, Representative Government, Checks and Balances, Individual Rights, Freedom of Religion, Federalism, & Civilian Control of the Military.
Political Cartoon #2
Remember to use complete sentences, neatly cut out and staple the political cartoons to this sheet!
1.Describe the issue or issues involved in this cartoon. (3 to 4 sentences)
2.Describe all of the symbols used in the cartoon and describe what each represents.
3.What is the cartoonist trying to say? (2 to 3 sentences)
4.What do you think about the issue(s)? Do you agree with the cartoonist? Why or why not? (2 to 3 sentences)
5.Explain how or why 2 Core Economic Principle are related to this cartoon.
6 Core Economic Principles 1. People choose 2. People’s choices involve costs 3. People respond to incentives in predictable ways 4. People create economic systems that influence individual choices and incentives 5. People gain when they trade voluntarily 6. People’s choices have consequences that lie in the future.