As the world turns will be assigned regularly, and my students can do one extra per week for extra credit. Also, my students can go to extra government meetings, and invest in classroom stock for extra credit.
To get you reading the newspaper
To get you thinking about issues and forming a position
To improve your own persuasive writing ability
The assignment will not be graded without the following:
Select an article that involves a government issue you have an opinion on.
It must be at least 100 words long.
No murder, rape, sport, crime, vehicle, or other types of accident articles.
Staple the article to your ATWT and write your name across the article.
Place your Name, Date, Hour, and Assignment in the upper right hand corner of your paper.
Write the Name of the Newspaper, Title of the Article, the Authors name, and Date of the Article on the very top three lines.
Write in 3rd person and use transition words.
- Summary - Sum (Label in the left Margin)
- Explain the article IN YOUR OWN WORDS by paraphrasing and Summarizing it.
- 2 quotes from article.
- 10 or more sentences
- Persuasive Argument - P.A. (Label in the left Margin)
Write a persuasive argument of your view on the subject.
- 10 or more sentences stating your opinion on the subject.
- 2 or more underlined CDVs
- 1 or more related history examples
- 1 or more quotes from the article to support your argument.
- 2 or more Facts and or Data to support your argument.
- Opposing Point of View - OPV (Label in the left Margin)
What would be the opposing (opposite) view to your persuasive argument?
- 5 to 10 sentences
- 1 or more underlined CDVs
- 1 or more quotes from the article to support their argument.
- 1 or more Facts and Data to support your argument.
- Rebuttal (Label in the left Margin)
Explain the weakness of the opposing point of view and why your view is correct.
- 5 to 10 sentences
- State weakness in their argument (OPV)
- 1 or more underlined CDVs
- 1 or more quotes from the article to support your persuasive argument.
- 1 or more Facts and Data to support your argument.
- Conclusion sentence -- Wrap up Persuasive Argument’s topic sentence
If a student is caught copying another students ATWT; both students will receive a skid on said ATWT, will have to fill-out behavior plan, fined, and a call home will be made.