The Home of the Prettyboy Redneck" Levi Blue
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Ladies and Gentlemen, do to special request from anomonys user, the opening picture with the "Click Here to Enter" is now gone. I would like the chance to reitterate that the main site here is rarely updated anymore, I will start doing the Upcoming shows link here soon. I seem to have been getting many bookings lately for some odd reason as OOga bOOga and as The Prettyboy Redneck, Dirty White Trash, The Buick City Bad Boy. I am the GIMMICK KING LOL. Anyhow the Live Journal is updated regularly and what not. I encourage you to check out the following websites:
XICW Wrestling
Blue Water Championship Wrestling
Thunderzone Wrestling
Michigan Indy Wrestling Central
Also I am proud to announce the formation of Tri-Cities Championship Wrestling. I want to thank everyone that has been helping me to this point. Shouts out to Cid Rain, The Niteshyfter, Kurt Kaoss, Andrew D'Arcy, The Dangerous the DBA. And anyone that I missed, ya know I thank you as well. You can see how TCCW is coming together and check out the first card by clicking here
TCCW Wrestling
Tattoo's By
Ladies and Gentlemen is back on the net!!!

Okay Boyz and Galz, Lets get a few things straight.
 This Opening Page will NOT be updated much, why you ask,well, I really enjoy my Live Journal and I have been writing in there quite a bit lately. If I update the any of the links I will let you know on this page I swear. The live Journal is just so easy to use and you guys can leave me comments there.

Also, The message board is alive and active so if you want to go is there, Drop me a line to let me know that you guys are there. I would appreciate it. Even if you are my mWo students or a person that wants to kick my ass or you hate me, you love me, want me...what the hell ever, just let me know and we can work something out.

Also I am in some need of a little bit of webspace, I have many pictures to post from over the years and I want to post up for you guys so if you. So if you feel like giving a lonely Redneck some free room and board for a few pictures, I will plug whatever I can for you. Looks like Levi Is coming back with a lot of the offers that I have been getting. Let us just hope that the knee holds out LOL

Oh and Even though I am still the Prettyboy Redneck, and the website is named as such. In my heart I am and always will be DIRTY WHITE TRASH. So on any given show that I am on. Here and now, I am "DIRTY WHITE TRASH" LEVI BLUE
or DWT for short

You don't like it.
I don't care.


If you have any ideas or suggestions contact me.
Oh yeah, now time for a favor
I am looking for a small amount of webspace for 
pictures. It is an HTML Code that will not work on Angelfire and
has to be set in a domain. If someone would like to donate a little space
please contact me
Thanks Guys
Levi BLue

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