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Christian Bale!

Christian has been one of my "back of my mind" favorites for some time. He didn't really come to the forefront until I ended up developing a HUGE crush on a friend of mine who looked EXACTLY like him. (Names not given to protect the innocent...or not so innocent.)

It was pretty amazing the day I met his identical twin (haha). Not only amazing that we met, but even more amazing that we became good friends. Almost more than friends a few times. I mean, he was the best looking, funniest, nicest guy I'd ever met in real life! Every time I see a Christian Bale picture, I'm reminded of that same smirking face I used to see every day.

I can totally relate to John Cuscak's character, Rob, in "High Fidelity" when he said, ..."Some people never got over (insert big event here I can't remember), or when their band opened for Nirvana. I guess I never really got over Charlie." That's how I feel about that guy I knew. Somewhere in the back of my mind, once and awhile, I'll always wonder, "What if?" At least I have some pretty good memories. And there's always Christian Bale...

What makes him cool?
*He's like, 6'4
*Originally from England (so that automatically makes him cool)
*I knew his idential twin! (just kidding!)
*He's got "the hair".
*He was in one of my all-time favorite movies...

Little Women

"Little Women" has to be one of my favorite books, and Laurie was always one of my favorite characters. Christian plays him wonderfully. Absolutely perfect. I have to go watch this movie again...

Laurie looking silly.

And everybody goes, "Why, Jo? Why???!!!???" At least I was. But, if you know the book, you understand. So, she ends up marrying an old professor. Why, Jo? Why? Heheh. I must remind myself, it's "Laurie" not Christian.

The scene where Jo refuses Laurie. Great scene, but sad.

So, Laurie ends up marrying Amy, who was a total brat as a kid. (Didn't you just want to smack her when she burned Jo's writings? I would have sent her packing!) It was quite cute though, in the end. Remember Laurie's promise to Amy when she was little that he would be sure to kiss her before she died when Amy was afaid she'd catch the fever from Beth and die without ever being kissed? Awww. LoL!

On to Number Three!