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In Memory Of Lonzo J. Alford

animated roses Lonzo J. Alford animated roses
Lonzo Jarrell Alford
animated heart "Navigator" animated heart

July 15, 1943 - August 8, 2001
animated heartempty spacerYou are Lovedempty spaceranimated heart
gold divider bar

Tributes/Words Of Comfort
twinkling star Remembering You
twinkling star Part Of Our Hearts Forever
twinkling star Forever In Your Heart
twinkling star I'm Free
twinkling star We Shall Meet Again
twinkling star Letter From Heaven
animated shooting star
animated twinkling starIn Memory Of Lonzo by Jackie (a.k.a. 'Jackhammer')animated twinkling star
animated shooting star
animated heart From Sandi
animated heart From Fantassia's Palace
animated heart From Jackie (a.k.a. "Jackhammer")
animated heart Photographs and Memories

We Love You

Please e-mail me if you would like to have a link added here.
Thank you.

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Sign the Memorial Guestbookempty spacerMemory Book for Lonzo/Navigatorempty spacerRead the Memorial Guestbook

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<BGSOUND SRC="music/memories.mid" LOOP="2">

Music now playing: "Memories"
- one of Lonzo's favorite songs.

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Web page design and some graphics by Cheryl.
This background set created especially for Lonzo by Cheryl.
Original artwork for this background set inspired and © by Hallmark.
Some graphics copyright and courtesy of Ender Design: Realm Graphics.
Animated roses and hearts courtesy of Sofine's Free Original Animated Gifs.
Small animated hearts courtesy of Jenna and Aregorn.

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