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This page is under construction. It will contain the goings on regarding the frequency 14.313 MHz, which typically has "lids", or poor amateur radio operators. Typically heard on this frequency are:

heterodynes, or carriers which sometimes persist for hours. A carrier is simply a transmitted A1 emission, or the tone that is used in a Morse code transmission,. Only the carrier is just one long tone, in the case of lids operating on 14313.
belches, which are J3E emissions, of the single sideband voice type.
W4NTI, who uses the phonetics W4 No Taxable Income
K3CQR, who professes not to be a jarhead, but was once a member of the U.S. Army. He says that the jarheads are a good group of guys, though.
NR5T, Douglas. It is not too clear why he hangs out on this frequency, because he, like W4NTI, is an excellent cw operator (Morse to the general public).
WA4D, Mike, who is believed to be a white supremacist. He calls Minnesota a "communist state" because of their high taxes, uses the phonetic WA4Democracy, and makes blatant racist remarks on the air. He also tells other amateurs not to talk to foreign stations, because their signals just clutter up the band with accents that he doesn't understand or care to hear. He believes in an "All-American" Amateur Radio hobby.
The Curtain Chicken is a pirate who operates on 14.313, and is typically keeping company with "Raincoat Charlie" and other mysterious operators who use CB handles.
Unidentified voices: There have been some unidentified voices saying things like, "Kiss my big hairy buttcrack!", and making disgusting sounds, as well as whistles, on this frequency. There were also some unidentified voices using CB jargon on 14.313. It is unknown who these pirates are, but the FCC is currently investigating the situation.

A maritime mobile net was on this frequency, but I do not believe it is operated there anymore due to malicious interference from those such as K4MME and W1GM, in the early eighties. They interfered, to my understanding, because the net cluttered up the band, so it was claimed by them. They were fined, so I recall, but that is the extent of what I remember from the QST article.


Contesting has its own brand of lids. Some of the lids, even though I hate to admit this, are the contesters themselves. Others are people who think they are doing the world a service by creating malicious interference to the contest participant. Let me explain further


Malicious interference to contesters by non-contesters has been an important issue for a long time. Malicious interference is caused, at least from what I've noted, for several key reasons, as stated by non-contesters on the bands.
First of all, these QRMers (those who cause the interference) say that contests create a large amount of QRM themselves. This may be true, but contests are only on for short durations. So, why shouldn't those of us who enjoy contests be alllowed to participate in them without someone coming on and saying, "You're on a net frequency," or, "Contests stink. Get off the air."
My advice is simply an echoing of many others who are contesters. Ignore them and they will go away. Well, most of the time. And avoid well-known net frequencies, such as the Maritime Services Net and the like.
However, it is not always on net frequencies where these people will try to QRM the hopeful contester. It is sometimes just a frequency open to general amateur use, where some nay-sayer will figure, "I'm gonna scare this guy off the air if I bug him enough." People who bug contesters like this don't seem to realize that contests simply promote activity, which is good. In this way, people can achieve awards, not to mention develop skills for operating, such as listening closely, and changing frequency when interference is at a high level.
Sure... it is true that contesters create QRM on the bands. But it is only for a short time. Come on, guys. You can ragchew with your buddy next door, or in the next town, on any given day. But there are only a few contests a year that take up a large amount of bandwidth. Give us a break.


Sometimes, the interference is generated by another contester. Though the idea that, "Bigger is better" may apply here, the best contesters are those who are considerate of the little guy who is using an adjacent frequency. Try to listen for the little guy. Sometimes it is difficult. And it is true that the big guns can hold a frequency for longer periods of time because of their signal strength. But there is one thing that really bothers me, as a kind of little pistol on the air
It is when a big gun comes on the frequency without having the courtesy to ask if the frequency is in use. There is plenty of space for a big guy to move in close, without jumping on top of a little pistol who is having some actual luck running stations.
To a certain extent, I understand the big gun logic of calling CQ on a frequency and running stations at a high rate. I like doing that, too, on the occasion that I am using a big gun station. But the most common courtesy on the air is to ask if a frequency is busy before calling CQ. If it is, especially by a little pistol, a big gun can find a frequency that is, at least, less busy, a lot easier than a little pistol who is actually having luck on a certain frequency can.


I think that the main problem with ham radio is the same as the main problem with the world, learning to get along with your fellow man, regardless of what his pursuits might be. If we can treat each other with respect, as all adults should, we could enjoy this hobby and all find the room to do our thing with ham radio!!


Not to get on my high horse again, but there is an impending problem with lids on the VHF frequencies. This is especially true on repeater frequencies on the amateur band known as 2 meters.

The interference on a local repeater has become ridiculous here in my home town. I'll give you a few examples:
  • A local repeater held a net every Sunday at 9 P.M. While this net was in operation, there was an individual who would "kerchunk" or key up the local repeater to make it operate. This again created intentional QRM to the net operation. What if there were a real emergency that the net needed to attend to? I guess these troublemakers didn't think of that possibility!

    This is under construction, but will discuss the controversy surrounding a few callsigns which are well known to those hams who operate on the frequencies discussed herein.

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