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Your Guess Is As Good As Ours

Hey there. Well, either we told you to visit the site, you mistyped another address, or it's 3:00 in the morning and you REALLY don't want to be working on that paper anymore.
Whatever the reason, you're here now. Welcome. Stay awhile. Visit links. E-mail us. Write in the guestbook. E-mail us again. Just take your shoes off and put them by the door... New carpeting, you know. Suzie says "Buy the soundtrack." We'll add to this later so come back. Again and again and again and again and again and again and-- SUZIE!! PUT THE HAMSTER DOWN!!!

Well, gotta go. SUZIE!! NOT IN THE HOUSE!!!
We humbly apologize for the popup ads. Angelfire added them suddenly without telling us. To show you how sincere we are, we're offering this link to a site with a free download that keeps popup ads off your computer.

"Some people say that I must be a horrible person, but that's not true.
I have the heart of a young boy. In a jar. On my desk".
Steven King

"Human beings can always be relied upon to assert, with vigor, their God-given right to be stupid."
Dean Koontz "Seize the Night"

"You can say an awful lot with words."
Professor C. W. Hensley

Want some more quotes? Click here.

Click here to hear Karen greet you
Click here to hear Karen give you some advice

It's not summer anymore. Sometimes we have time to work on the site but both of us have been caught up in the world of fanfic and spend all of our time reading and writing it. Sad, really. We'll add little bells and whistles (not literally) whenever we get a chance
Karen 2/23/00


This site endorsed by Mr. Yuk

Get FREE Clip Art From

Sorry, they made us link to their page to include the little cat. Just ignore the ad.
To make the little cat stop running, (PC) hit Esc or (Mac) hold "option" and hit the period (.) button.

You know what? We've abandoned our old guestbook. We've created a brand new guestbook at Bravenet, which is a really nice site by the way, and you can sign it by clicking on the button that says "Read and sign my guestbook." It should say "Sign our guestbook," but we can't do anything about that, can we? Oh, and if for some reason you really want to, you can read our old guestbook.

Ooh, look at all the underlined words to click on...

All about our trip to Virginia
Karen's Page O'Links
Suzie's Page O'Links
Fun things to try
Books FANFIC ADDED 8/14/00
Yet Another Page O'Links
Rant of the Week or Month or Year

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That's it for this page. Read a Book!