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Hello and welcome to my Jeep site on the web. My name is Matt and I own a 1987 Jeep Cherokee. This page welcomes all types of Jeeps and jeepers. Most articles and write ups will have to do with my XJ but all others are more than welcome to email me a photo of your vehicle for the reader's rides section. To find out more about my Jeep click on the Specs link to the left. Also if you would like to see how some of the accessories were installed on my Jeep check out the Tech section. So if you have any comments or questions please feel free to send an email or better yet you can also sign my guestbook. Thanks again for your visit, Enjoy!

What's happening at JeepLand . . .
Find out what your Jeep scores at Dirtroad Magazine
Check out the new Jeep "JJ" the picture provided by Dirtroad Magazine
Read about the new Platinum 9000 winch from Ramsey

Questions or Comments?? send Email

This Cherokee/Grand Cherokee WebRing site is owned by: Matt

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