‡ž§¤~~My Jonny Lang Page~~¤§‡
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‡ž§¤~~My Jonny Lang Band Page~~¤§‡

Some Quick Facts, that you probably already knew!

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Hey! Im Jessica. Thanks for visiting my page! Obviously if you're here, you're at least somewhat interested in the Jonny Lang Band. I hope that in some way then, that this is worth your time looking at. I used to have a big detailed review of the last concert i was at, but it got too boring to look at so i had to take it off. The last concert of theirs that I was at was Feb 20th, 1999 in Duluth, MN. It was an absolutely amazing concert and we had so much fun! Here's a quick recap of all the JLB concerts me and my friend have been to... Fortune Bay Casino in Jan of 97, Medina Ballroom in March of 97, Target Center in August of 97, Northrup Auditorium in November of 97, Moondance Jam in July of 98, and the DECC auditorium in February of 99. (this is all in MINNESOTA!!)

Jonny's rhythm guitarist is Paul Diethlem. It was really neat, at the Blues Traveler concert on November 18th 1997, me & my friend got Paul to sign our shoes! *They're identical to the ones he wore on stage at the time* He seemed really glad to do it, he thought it was so funny that we paid money for these shoes & now wanted him to sign em* We got a picture with him, and he even grabbed his camera too & got a shot of all our awesome shoes! WE LOVE YOU PAUL!

Okay, what else? Let's see, I first heard of Jonny back in the summer of 96'. He was playin at Iron World in Chisholm Minnesota, so my whole family went to see who this "kid" was. Okay, now it gets really stupid...see, I didn't know beforehand that we were going especially to see this 15 year old kid, so wouldnt ya know I missed the show? Guess where I was...IN THE CHILDRENS PLAY AREA!! I was in "the balls" and I didnt find out until after that I had missed this kid. AHH! I was pretty bumbed, especially when I was listening to "Louise" on the way home. So, yah, we got his "Smokin" cd and I listened to it for a while, but it was like my parents cd so I didnt listen too much. Then on Jan. 25, 1997, we went to see him at Fortune Bay Casino. *I wasnt gonna miss it this time* I found a friend to come along, Maria. Wouldnt ya know, this would be the beginning of the end of our lives! *J/K*

Since that concert, we've seen the band 5 more times. That'd be 6 all together. We really love the concerts and the music and all the fun we have at them. Ive got 3 posters signed by Jonny and of course my awesome shoes signed by Paul.
At the Moondance concert in July, me and Maria got to talk to Jonny for a few minutes. I even played his guitar! (or tried) And at the last concert on February 20th, we got to talk to Paul again and his wife. Also, we talked to Billy and we also got to talk to Jonny for a few minutes also. I don't wanna tell the story cause if I tell it too much it will get old or something. But that concert was a blast and I'd like to thank everyone who works for/with the band because the amount of satisfaction that I feel from watching and listening to these guys is awesome and I just can't wait until I get to go to another one of their concerts. :-Þ

If ya ever get a chance to see this band, dont leave it behind! You wont regret it! I PROMISE!!

The Jonny Lang Band is made up of.....

•Jonny Lang--Lead Guitar & Vocals

•Paul Diethlem--Rhythm Guitar

•Bruce McCabe--Keyboard

•Doug Nelson--Bass

•Billy Thommes--Drums

Thanks so much for visitin! Any comments or questions? SIGN MY GUESTBOOK BELOW OR E-MAIL ME ...wanna see my other page & more crap about me? Click HERE!

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~~~~~Some Neat-to Links~~~~~

Jonny & Haylie
Jonny Lang Page *I cant remember which one*
A Cool Jonny Page
Come here for a TON of Jonny pics and some of the other band members!
Amy's Best Of Jonny Lang Page...some neat pictures!
Katie's Little Jonny Page~~LINKS!!
Rae's Page (a really cool one, i liked it alot)

Email: bluezchickie@hotmail.com