Thanx for stopping by!! This is my Northern
Home, I live in Duluth, Minnesota,on the shore of Lake Superior, beautiful
place to live with definate
four seasons... Visit these sites with
beautiful photography, information on Duluth
and our incredible Lake Superior, believe me it's worth the
am 40-something...single and have a 26 year
old son,Mike who was married July 29th, 2000 to Bettina. Here are some PICS of the wedding day..more coming soon! Am a RN and have been in
nursing for 20 years. I love people, enjoy my friends, am outdoors any time I can
be.. And I LOVE The Minnesota Vikings!!
Click on the star to see some pics!
I'm crazy about music..have a wide
varity of favorites,
alternative is my
choice, but I do
also enjoy good classic rock too.
Here's some of the music I enjoy...
I also have a special
interest in animals...
I believe we should
protect them and keep them in our world.
Not only our
wildlife, but our pets.
Statistics show that 15-17 million cats & dogs are euthanized in this country yearly beacuse owners who have sworn to love and protect them are not spaying and
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals
are treated"~Gandhi~
We need to think
of what life would be like without them.
Not only are some near extinction,
but others are tortured every day in labs for often meaningless and repetitious
Check out the PETA link below for some incredible news about
laboratories. But also look at my Wolf Site... beautiful images,georgous is a great site!!
Want To Hear A Wolf
Minnesota Wolves Need Your Help!
Visit this site for important information on early delisting of the wolves from the endangered species list.
I treasure the friends I have made on the net, and I dedicate this page to
A Special Friends Thoughts On..
I will try to list for you my friends who I have become so close to throughout this past several years that I have had
my Web TV.. Please forgive me if I have
forgotten someone, let me know if I
have. Dave and his lovely wife, Pat,Ed, my dear, sweet friend in
"warm" Georgia.. Raelene, Barry, Karen, Larry, Ben,Jim (all of the Jims),Ledgy, Harvey,Jeremy, Dennis,Rosa,Vince,Christine,Ron,
James,Mona,Maria,Bob and Sue,Robyn,Tony,Bernie,Jannie,Jay,Janice, Vernon,Woodie,Linda,Liz,Miriam, have been so kind to me, I will always have
time for you all....
Here Are Three New Links!!!
Links to my friends Homepages, Awards and
Webrings.. with a add-a-link if you wish to post your page.....
A Link For Female ~or~ Male Homemakers,With Household Tips,Recipes,Money Saving Tips,Etc....
And A Html Help And Fun Link Site...With LOTS Of Things To See! I Know You'll Like This One!!
Please come back and visit soon~~ Hey, please don't forget to sign my guestbook below...Thanks!