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Amanda's Webpage

Hi all! As you can guess, my name's Amanda. I graduated from Moorhead State University in Dec. of '99 with a degree in archaeology. I prefer Mesoamerican achaeology over any other kind, but really I love it all. (A note: they changed the name the semester after I graduated to MN State U at Moorhead, and I remember all the students being really pissed at the name change, myself among them, so I stand by good ol' MSU as my Alma Mater.) I love movies, nature, coyotes, moose, tigers, snakes, apples, trees, swimming and sailing. I'm a world traveller (Ecuador, Canada, and Mexico), and I speak fluent Spanish, know a good deal of ASL, and I'm going to Greece at some point in the future... I'm also a culinary artist. My hobbies are reading (non-fiction, Amelia Peabody mysteries, Brian Jacques novels), hiking, biking, camping, reading, surfing the net, doing pointless research for fun, and of course, reading. I also know anything you could ever want to know about Greek mythology, and a few things you DIDN'T want to know. I also have a thing for footwear of all kinds. NO, it's NOT a fetish! I'm just an average Pisces. :) Here's some of my favorite things.

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This page last updated: August 19, 2003
This site last updated: March 18, 2004