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Vision of Future's Domain

Welcome to my Domain!
~Created by Vision of Future~

Teachers from all walks of life.
All things great and small
can teach you something
Just as long as you have an open heart
and an open mind!

Without a open heart and mind,
this world will seem so small and
unimportant to you.
And you wouldn't learn as much of this world
as you would like.

Osiyo(Hello) to everyone that enters here in my domain. I thought I would tell you alittle about myself. My name is Vision of Future. I am native american, well 1/4 native american, as well as being of more mixed blood lines,who really has no idea of what nation I am part for sure, but I have been believed to be part of the Cherokee Nation. I live in Minnesota, in the city, which is were I truely don't like living in. I was raised without my native american family being around me, and I have no clue as to where they are either. But I have come to understand things of my heritage through the visions that the Creator has given to me. I have been told that I am much wiser the people expect for my age, I guess its 'cause I had to grow up a bit faster then most in my family.

One thing that I have learned is that you need an open mind and heart to understand the ways of this world. I know of how cruel this world really is.....I have seen those I love hurt time and time again, but I know that those things happen for a reason. And that reason is to make us stronger. If would let those things get to us, then we will surely die in due time....piece by piece, our spirits will die. So don't let things take you down, learn from them and let it make you stronger.

I have learned to put my trust as well as my faith into the Creator's hands. So that he may guide me and shape me.

Out of my whole family, I am the only native american, at least on my mother's side. And yes it is alittle hard to go through life without someone else that understand the ways you see this world and of how you understand it. But even though I am the only one on my mother's side that is native, I am not the only one that understand and sees this world as for what it is.

My mother, who has raised me most of my life on her own, has developed a bond with me. We act almost like we are both twins now. She can see, hear and understand this world just like I can. And all it took was her to open up her heart and mind, and let the Creator do the rest.

I have learned to trust the spirits as well as the Creator. I can feel ones heart and the pain they feel from miles away. But I can also tell when someone isn't being honest with me. You could try with all of your might to prove to me that you aren't lying to me, but I can see your lies as well as the truth. I have known people who have done this with me, and I have learned from it, they or anyone else can lie to me without me knowing the truth.

My name Vision of Future is my second native american name. My first one was given to my by my mother when I was much younger. She called me Screaming Eagle....don't ask.......and she still calls me it to this day, even though I have recieved a new name.

I recieved the name Vision of Future, through my adopted brother(Best Friend). My adopted brother is also of the Cherokee nation. Lonewölf and I are a fairly close to one another, as I am with all of my family......adopted and birth.

I walk along this world with the wolf and eagle by my side guiding me, with each and every step I take.

Well enough about me......I am creating this web page for those that are also like me, as well as those that want to learn more of the Native American people and the way the lived and try to live to this day.

Many of us have lost the way of our
Now is the time to once again learn
the ways of our people.
And try and live as they would of live,
with peace in their hearts.
An open heart and mind,
and of an understand that
this place is all related to one

From time to time we all dream of the lives our
ancestors lived.
Trying to remember of how it use to be,
and of how we can help to keep these world
As well as our animal brothers and sisters,
who are being killed,
even to this day.

People are still killing the wildlife as to supposely "control" and keep their spieces from ever becoming as large as the use to be. They kill the wolf because they fear that they are man killers, when actually the wolf is kind, gentle and loving creature. They are also killing the buffalo, just to "control" the rate of which they are coming back.

Native Americans have always believed that every creature is like a brother or sister to them. Each with its own lesson to teach you. But only if your heart and mind are open to them can you learn from them. Some people don't understand this, and begin to fear the animals that live among us.

I have walked with the spirit of the wolf and eagle, since I can remember. They have guided me through out my life, as well as teach me. I am apart of them as much as they are apart of me.

May you too learn from the eagle and the wolf. They have alot that they can teach you. Just open your heart and mind to them, and let them teach you.-Vision of Future

The black wolf walks along my side protecting and being my ears. The blad eagle is preched on my right arm. Its spirit as free as mine, being my eyes. Both guiding me along my journey, teaching me in the only way they know. Teaching me of thier lives, and of how they see this world.

Everywhere I go, there is always someone or some people hurting others, either physically or emotionally, for being who they are. Some hurt people because they don't like the skin color that you are.....or of what race/desecent you are. These people that hurt others just for being of a certain race or color, are in the wrong and have no right doing what they do to others.

As far as I am consider we are all of one race. We all bleed. We all breathe. We all need to eat and drink in order to live.We all are human. Brothers and Sister spearated only by prejudgice towards others.

We need to start see one another as brothers and sisters again....of all race joined as one to form the human race. To see no color. To see no other race but the human race. To only see ones heart and soul. This is the only way we as people will be able to live on in peace, but until then we can only fight for our peace back by trying to help people to understand that we are of one Race.

~ Vision of Future~

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