I am nothing to you but a mere shadow
of its pains....
of its agony...
of its Darkness...
To you I am nothing.....
But a shadow of your own memory.
But the truth of the matter is,
I am the reality of its pain,
of its agony, of its Darkness....
And I have you to thank!
You have made your nightmares into a
reality now.... Through me.
-By Vison of Future ©2000
Through pain of the past,
And lose of our ancestors.
The Nations must be strong.
Remember the battles that they fought,
remember the blood that they also shed.
Remember their reasons for their fighting.
The Nations must be strong.
Remember who lied to them and stole their land.
Remember the same people who destroyed their food.
Remember those who destroyed thier land and gave
Our ancestors the reason to fight them.
The Nations must be strong.
Now centuries later, the different nations are losed.
It is no longer about the Nations, but about the
person themselves.
The Nations must be strong.
We must now learn the ways that our ancestors
We must stop just thinking about ones-self, and start
to think about our people.
We must now put out trust into the Great Spirit
And the Great Spirit will help to make
The Nations Strong!
-By Vision Of Future ©1998
His eyes so loving, so caring.
His embrace strong, but gentle.
His love for his maiden so strong, so true.
His love never changing for her.
Never wavering.
He holds her in his arms, loving her in his
own way.
his warm embrace, comforts her,
lets her know that he will alway love her.
He kisses her and hols her closer to him.
She can't help but to thank the Creator for
bring her true love to her.
She lays in his arms, feeling his love for her.
His love so strong, giving her the strength
that she needs.
His love fills her heart and soul.
The world around the fades into darkness.
Only the presents of their love to be
their guiding light.
-By Vision Of Future ©1998
I am the wolf, who's clam at first glance,
but when provoked I lash out in self anger.
I am like the wind, calm and smooth,
the next minute, blowing strong
and almost knocking you
off your feet.
-By Vision Of Future ©1997
I don't need to think about him
All it's casued is my heart to be torn
even more then before.
It causes so much pain and torment that
I don't need to think about him anymore.
Every time I think about him my heart
Fills with rage and sadness.
-By Vision Of Future ©1997
Pain and aggression hides in my eyez
but I look cool as ever.
Anger flares out unnoitced.
You've said enough to make me explode.
Anger Flashes in my eyes. My battle Field is set
and it doesn't matter who dies.
Frankly I'd rather it be me,
so I can't hurt you anymore.
-By Vision Of Future ©1997
Unwants responsiblities,
unwanted life!
Eyes that will never be seen through.
A heart that will never beat.
Love that you will never be albe to feel.
A father not knowing, until too late.
A mother not willing to deal wit his new
Little hands that can't be held!
Your parents blood will never flow through your veins.
And unwanted love.
Unwants child
-who woudl never know what was to be.
Your presents unknown to your families,
but loved even though your not known.
An unwanted love,
unwanted life,
unwanted responsiblities,
An unwanted child!
A mother who can not take it much longer.
A father not able to save his child's life.
-By Vision Of Future ©1997
As my blood gushes from my body.
And my heart slows, I think of what I just
As I lay here dying,
Not caring that I gave my life so that you may live.
Our friendship means more to me then my own life.
So carry on my friend and do not forget me.
You say you'll never forgive yourself
but you know it wasn't your fault.
You weren't the one who pulled the trigger.
through the good times and the bad, you were
there for me.
This is my way of being there for you.
As my friend you know the why that I dream of
You know how much it hurts me to see a friend
in pain.
So I took the pain for you.
And I will live on in your
As my heart loses its pulse.
As the breath of life starts to fade away,
I look at you and see the tears in your
As you start to cry, not able to hold it in anylonger,
I realise we were more then just friends,
we were something more.
You hold me in your arms, wishing I
never did what I have done.
Your tears fall from your cheeks and touch
my arms.
So weak I never notice.
So weak I fell into a deep sleep as you
hold me in your arms.
-Vision of Future ©1997
I look into your eyes
and see the haterd deep within.
I looks into you heart
and see the flames of hell burning high above the
I look into your soul
and see the fire building with every second.
I look at every thing you do
and see the love for it more and more.
Now tell me
how can the hatred come so quickly
and how
did hell come make such beauty in work.
And then
the fire builds more and more.
For maybe
I saw your hidng place
for a min
I thought I saw a gleam of light shine upon you heart.
And for awhile
I felt water put out the fire.
Now if all
this were to happen, then would hatred over take you?
would hell become home,
would the fire burn so high?
because you have to take, and make hatred become
You have
to make a new home under that gleam of light.
And the
fire you need to put it out, maybe pee on it that
might help.
But the only thing I want to say is that,
the fire burns with glory
the hatred burnz off love,
hell comes from it all.
and change
it all
for me.
-by K.J. ©2000
Rage and anger seep through me.
As I try to hold them back, tears fall
down my cheeks.
I can't hold it any longer,
I can't let meself so this, not again.
I have to make myself turn or I'll
never ba able to forgive myself again.
As I turned away, my arms starts
to throw a punch.
Blinded by total anger, I don't
know what I hit....
But I do know that it was not human.
At least now I can say that 'I conquered
over my own enemy within.'
The one that I feared so long,
to never let out again.
The one that could destroy everything
I work so hard to achive over
the years.
My Ownself!
-Vision of Future ©1997
Shall we speak of
the old, the new?
Shall we speak of
life, of death?
Shall we speak of
the eagle in the sky?
Or the snake on the
Shall we speak!
-By LoneWölf ©1998
Do you know me?
I'm your child!
Don't you hear my little heart beating?
Didn't you hear me?
I'm your child!
How can you leave me, when I need you?
Can't you see me?
I'm your child!
See the tears that run down the sides of my cheeks?
Look at me!
I'm your child!
The blood that's in my veins, is your blood too.
Listen to my words.
I'm your child!
How can I live, if your not here to take care of me?
Listen to your heart!
I'm your child!
Your heart knews the truth, listen to it, and you'll know.
Don't go!!
I'm your child!
Please, don't go!!
What have I done?
I'm your child!
What did I do to make you leave me?
I'm your child!
Why was I born, if you didn't want me?
I'm your child?
-By Vision Of Future ©1996
This is it, my final ride.
The last call.
This is my Grave, my rest site.
Stay close my forever
faithful friends.
I will always be here.
-By LoneWölf ©1998
Visions become stranger
in my sleep, of a life I use to live.
On why, do these memories haunt me?
Oh why, so I have to remember what I lost?
I lay there and can still see those that I love dying
before my every eyes.
tears flood my eyes and my heart as I remember, this
place and time.
Oh why, must this life haunt me?
Oh why, doesn't this pain of my past leave me?
As my eyes become tear stained, I fall to my knees and
I watch families fall right and left of me, dying....
I feel so helpless as I see the eyes of
children watching me, crying, know there is nothing to be done.
Oh why, did this happen?
Oh why, do I have to remember this pain?
I watch my family being slaughter, arms strecthed our for help,
but no one to help them.
see the tears running sown their faces,
and on to the ground, that is falling apart beneath them.
Oh why, is this happening to us?
Oh why, doesn't this pain leave me?
my heart starts to sye,
as I see them bearting and stabbing the one I love.
I wish I could stop them,
but I no longer have the strength to do anything.
i watch him fall to the ground, with one last look at me, with one last breath.
I know that
I have also syed with him at that moment.
Oh why, did they have to kill him?
Oh why, did they take him from me?
Oh why, can't I shake this pain?
I fall face first to the ground, dying...
with my last thoughts of those that I loved,
And of the life that was once peaceful, now will never be again.
I remember my true love...and his death.
I could feel him beside me as I dyed.
My world dying as well, around me!
Oh why, does it have to end this way?
Oh why, can't I just forget this pain?
I wake up and I can still geel everything as if it had just happened.
My heart racing, a mile a minute.
It pounds so hard, the pain that I feel is to strong for me.
I beign to weep.
Once again my eyes are tear stained.
My tears fall from my face and on to the ground, of this world.
Oh why, does the pain have to be remembered?
Oh why, did I go to sleep?
I feel so cols and scared,
as I sit up and stare at nothing.
The pain of what I have just seen haunts my memories, even when I am awake.
A cold chill runs up my spine,
as the tears continue to fall.
Warth begins to embrace my body.
The pain beings to ease up on my heart and I beging to feel my true love
with me again, holding me close to him.
The tears beging to stop falling, as my lost love
embraces me in this spirit.
Oh why, did they take him away , the first time?
Oh why, am I going through this?
His love so strong and true.
But only his spirit remains with me now.
My heart, longing to have him with me once again,
his body and soul, to be together once again.
But he isn't here in body and soul
only a spirit of who he use to be,
To hold me in his arms like he use to do, to kiss him like he use to.
Oh why, did they take him from me?
Oh why, can't we be together once more?
I can still feel his love for me,
so strong and ture,
never changing ,
never wavering,
so strong and true that time coudn't ever stop it.
I close my eyes and can see him holding me once more.
Holding me close to him,
so gentle,
so loving,
holding me so close I can hear him breathing.
But it is only a memory.
Oh why, can't this be the real thing?
Oh why, do I have to remember the past?
I begin to cry once more, as I feel his spirit leaving my side.
The warmth of his love begins to fade,
as all memories do.
My heart begins to cry out to him once again,
no wanting him to leave me,
not again,
not without me.
Oh why, can't he stay with me?
Oh why, does it have to be this way?
I lay back down,
my eyes begin to close.
I try to forget what I have just seen and been through.
But my heart is unwilling to do that.
Tears fall once more,
staingin everything around me.
Oh why, can't I be with him now?
Oh why, must I live this life without him?
As I fall asleep once again,
your love touched me and lets me know that you are
never leaving me.
To be with me always and forever.
Time could of never changed the love that you felt for me once,
so why would it now?
You embrace me with your love once again and hold me close to you.
So loving,
so gentle.
Your loving never changing,
never wavering,
so strong and true,
that nothing will stop it.
not time,
not space,
not even man could stop this love.
AS I fall asleep, you tell me that,
we will once again be together,
and will be together forever.
A love so strong and so true that nothing will stop it.
Oh why, can't that time be now?
Oh why, aren't we together again?
Why, can't it be now?
-By Vision Of Future ©1998
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