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Red Pride

Welcome to Aigoddess' page of Native Love- brought to you by ME- Aigoddess. Many people ask why I call myself Ai (goddess)- well thats because I am American Indian!! This page is dedicated to all of the Native peoples in the world including the Chicano's who are also indigenous and are forgotten as being part of the struggle of Native peoples. I am a member of the Pillager band of Leech Lake Anishinaabe (Chippewa, Ojibwe). I am 20 years old and a full time college student. I am going to school to be a Lawyer. I hope to work to win back some of this land of ours. I'll do my best to help all the Natives. Well, I better go. I do have a webpage on You can link yourself to it from here. Please sign my guestbook and let me know who you are! You can also e-mail me at All e-mail will be responded to promptly! Thank you for stopping in! Peace, Love and Red Power!!!!

Aigoddess' list of linx

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
This is my other homepage on Tripod! Check it out!
This is the official webpage of Red Vinyl Records- owned by Litefoot.
This is a webpage on Tripod designed specifically for all you Chicano & Chicana's out there- run by my man.
