memoir.htmlTEXTttxtÿÿÿÿ€ ´,Zp¶@”dƒ Memoir Journals
Memoir Journals

Please note that I am not taking submission for inclusion of the ring at this time.
Sorry for any incoveniences.

A memoir isn't exacly as journal, and a journal isn't exactly a memoir. But...some journalers attempt to reach self-knowledge through an exploration of their past. They examine how the attitudes, actions, and emotions they experience in their present lives connect and stem from past experiences. Their entries go beyond anecdotes of daily life and into the how and why.

Childhood can be bliss. Childhood can be hell. Some people are running from the past. Some people are living in the past. What these journalers understand is that the exploration of the past can be a valuable tool in really understanding the present and moving into the future.

Memoir Journals is a webring designed to link online journals which deal with memory, childhood, and connections of the journalers' current experiences to their pasts. While their journals aren't only about their pasts or childhoods, they do, from time to time, reference the past to gain clearer insight to their present experiences.


View a list of the sites

How to add your journal to the ring:

Please note that I am not taking submission for inclusion of the ring at this time.
Sorry for any incoveniences.

Step 1- Fill out submission application.

Step 2- Download a ring image from below to your own server

Step 3- Copy HTML fragment (below) and add it to the page of the URL you submitted. Make sure to change image source if necessary and insert your own ID number. (Alter the code to fit your site deisgn if you wish, as long as the four navigational links remain.)The code must appear on the exact URL you have submitted.


Step 4- Email me to let me know you have added the HTML code to your page.

Please note that I am not taking submission for inclusion of the ring at this time.
Sorry for any incoveniences.

Step 5- Await inclusion into the ring. I will check to make sure the code works and add your site to the ring, provided that is fits my vision of this ring.

Copy this code and add your ID number in place of --ID--:

<TABLE font size="2.5">
<a href="">
<img src="images/memoir3.gif" width="101"height="39 border="0" alt="Memoir Web ring image"></a><br>

<a href=";id=--ID--;action=prev"><<</a>
<a href=";action=rand">?</a>
<a href=";action=list">#</a>
<a href=";id=--ID--;action=next">>></a>

Download any of these three images:
Memoir Web ring image Memoir Web ring image Memoir Web ring image

Email me.
You may also be interested in Connected Recollections.
Back to ringmaster's site, The Clio Chronicles.


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