So Sweet, So Fragile...
...the Dark Rememberings held within us all...
This page, though yet unknown to most, is a page of the Davernites. Who, you ask, are the Davernites?? Well, perhaps I shall give you a small clue as to their origin and nature...perhaps I shall not. Let it be known that they are a small gathering of people, men and women, who have joined together out of common location and remained together out of common interests. A dark, brooding type is theirs. Spirits of mystery and the strange reside within them all. Even...a touch of humor graces them upon occassion. Still, I hear the question in your mind. Loud does it ring out. Who are they?!? Where shall I begin? For there is so much to tell....their names, then? To these there is no order given, simply listed haphazardly, as so they did form - in a haphazard fashion.
* Mary Szabady
* Chen Zhao
* Richard Power
* Alexis Schmitt
* Mark Radosevich
* Jolanta Komornicka
* Amber Lockridge
These are the original seven. Others have played roles in the existances of the Davernites. At times these others have provided humor, at other times annoyance, and other times they are merely there...
* John Gregg
* Claire Alexander
* Mat Brener
Still not satisfied? Allow me to tell you a story then. A story...about the Davernites...and what has befallen them...
