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Ducky's Place

SafeSurf Rated All Ages We

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 Hey, all! I'm finally back! I desided that instead of trying to totally redo this web site, I just made a new one! Check it out!

Monday, May 7, 2001

Ok...It has been a really long time since I updated this page. I moved, and I don't have a computer at my new place yet, so I don't really get the chance to update this much (or have the time).
Anyways, Here I am! Its May and there is a ton happening in my life. Willmar is cool, but I miss home. I work about 35-40 hours a week, plus go to school full time, so I'm extremely busy! I also have a new boyfriend, who is great! We have been working on just getting to know each other. It is so much fun. My older sister and my older brother's wife are both having babies. They are due 2 weeks apart! It is really cool watching their bellies grow and stuff. I can't wait to be an Auntie to two little boys!
This weekend I am home visiting my family for my sisters' baby shower. I also went to see the Supertones, Switchfoot, and Relient K in concert on Saturday nite! That was a ton of fun!! There was a nasty run-in with the cops that we had to watch, but overall the concert rocked!
I'm gonna go!, me

Wednesday, November 29, 2000

Almost December already! That's nuts! Well, I have great news! I'm moving to Willmar!!! I found an apartment and I'll be moving out in about a week and a half. It is crazy. I haven't even started packing. I'm sure I'll get it done next week sometime...I guess I have to! I think its gonna be hard leaving my job and family and stuff, but I really do think this is what God has for me now. Please keep me in your prayers.
I just realized that I haven't even started getting ready for Christmas. I guess that will have to wait till I get myself moved. I'm going on a retreat with Looking Up this weekend to my cousin's cabin. I'm sooo excited! We're gonna have a blast. Then the next weekend, I'm moving and going to see Relient K. I love those guys!
Anyways...that is really all that's going on over

Wednesday, September 13, 2000

Umm...My life hasn't changed too much since I last added to this page, but I thought it was time for me to just come and give a short update! I'm not going to school anywhere this semester. I thinking about moving to Willmar and go to school up there. That would mean I'm changing my major from elementary education to computer publishing. The CP thing is a one year diploma that I would complete and then possible go on and add some web design stuff to or something like that. I just don't think I want to be a teacher. Maybe someday I will change my mind and go back and finish that degree, but for now I'm really leaning towards the moving idea. Please keep me (and these decisions) in your prayers! I really do want to do whatever it is God has for me.
Right now I'm spending a lot of time working and trying to save money! I think that is it for now!

Tuesday, July 18, 2000

Well, it has been a while since I’ve added anything to this page…so I think it is time for an update. My life has been pretty full lately. I’ve been spending the summer just having fun and hanging out…it is really cool.
I’ve added some pics on here of the Looking Up! Staff. They are from a camping trip that we went on. We went to the mine pits up by Crosby and just spent some time hanging out and having fun! I broke my finger while we were up there.
Sonshine 2000 was this weekend and it rocked! I had soo much fun! We (the looking up staff) helped out with the Spirit 93 booth…good times. Here’s some pics of our Sonshine Weekend. Well, I’m sure I could tell you a lot more, but I can’t think of anything right now. Enjoy the pictures!

I added all of my older entries to an archives section, check it out (so you don't feel lost)!

Send me e-mail if you have some time!! Remember that Jesus Loves YOU!! and that is all that really matters!