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"Its a Flathead, a great big flathead!"

It took a one hour hike to get to the mouth of the feeder creek where these two were caught. A tornado in the spring had turned a path, that used to take five minutes to walk, into a pile of rubble. Lanterns were broken, waders were torn, but the fishing results made up for it.

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This Fishing is life site is owned by Wes Bergemann. Want to join Fishing is life?

Three of six flatheads caught in two hours of fishing. Feeder creeks also produced these. all the fish were in the 20+ pound range. The biggest was a 32. No, I didn't catch the 32. My roomate caught it. And of course, it was his first time catfishing. The smallest one was a 15 pounder(not pictured).

25 lbs.

28 lbs.

23 lbs.
All fish were photographed and released.

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