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Does old stuff turn you off? Well be careful!
We were watering the cats with an old bowl
until we found out it was worth $35.
Now they drink from a nice new plastic one!

Some old things aren't worth saving

Some are !

This week's tip:

How to deal with old stuff:
I used to hate "old stuff"!
I'd open a drawer & find 4 can-openers, none of which worked right.
Junk! All Junk! All we have is junk!
Once I got on my own, I soon discovered that every little piece
in those drawers had cost money!
And it took awhile to fill my drawers up.
So now it's time to sort the junk out!
What's the rule --
"If you haven't used it for a year, get rid of it"?
That's stupid -- my drawers would be empty again!
It would cost a fortune to refill them!
Don't kid yourself into thinking you'll fix everything up either.
That's how everything got full in the first place.
There IS , however, a SIX-STEP PLAN to empty
your shed, garage, closets, drawers and everywhere things have built-up.
Doesn't mean you'll never have access to it ----
Doesn't have to cost money ----
Step #1: Look at the big picture --
Appreciate the insignificance of "your" junk!
What would happen to it if you died tomorrow?
It would be divvied-up among your survivors, right?
And the rest would go to the dump!
You're gonna saddle your family with THAT?
How many people have YOU cleaned-up after?
Step #2: Organize your "junk" --
Sort it out anyway you like,
maybe by "New", Fixable", "Spares" and "Who cares"
Don't disturb it, just organize it!
Step #3: Organize your survivors --
Maybe by "Haves", Have Nots", & "Who cares"
Don't disturb them either -- yet!
Step #4: Organize your thinking --
You like your junk. You'd like to have access to it.
How much do you REALLY plan to fix THIS YEAR?
And you like your survivors, so
why not offer them "early" access to your junk (?)
Step #5: Get rid of it!
Sell the new stuff --don't be stingy!
Even the neighbors deserve a bargain.
Same with the extra fixables & some of the spares.
And here's the key:
Step #6: Call the rest "heirlooms"!
Neatly pack a few boxes at a time & take them to your kids, nephews etc.
Young people are GATHERING their junk now, much like YOU did!
If they can STILL park cars in their garage,
you might have the perfect remedy!
And hey,
if you ever have to move in with them -------
it'll be a lot more like home!
( Now, bear in mind, I haven't actually tried this myself,
but it WOULD be the right thing to do -- eventually )