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    Who really built the monumental structures in Giza? Could a primitive civilization have accomplished such a feat... or did they have help from the stars or an advanced civilization? It's been theorized that an advanced race fled Mars when an armageddon happened (which would explain the huge craters from giant meteorites or even asteroids) there is the face on Mars which appears to reflect the sunlite, and is human looking on one side and felyn on the other, also there is a pyramid on Mars. Could an advanced race have come to Earth??? Many beleive that there are networks of passage ways under the Giza Plateu that could lead to a room under the Sphinx which holds the ancients lost records. Some of these passages have been found!!!

    When covered with its original alabaster surface, sunlight shining on the Great Pyramid would have made it visible from the Moon. Was it a communication device for alien beings? A landing beacon for star ships? A message left behind for future races? Much more remains to be discovered about the Pyramids' strange origins. Perhaps some incredible answers will be revealed soon.

    Many mystics, including the celebrated American psychic, Edgar Cayce, have received messages about the true origins of the Pyramids and the Sphinx. Cayce, among others, claimed that the Pyramids were built about 10,000 years ago... and that the Sphinx shows the remnants of a flood. According to Cayce, the Sphinx and the Pyramids were built by survivors who escaped the deluge that destroyed the giant continent, Atlantis. These survivors used long-lost technology to build the Pyramids and the Sphinx. According to Cayce, there is a still undiscovered "Hall of Records" under the Sphinx that contains the suppressed history of the human race. He predicted the Hall of Records would be discovered and opened in the late 1990's