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Basic Info

Name: Justin James
Nickname: Rudy
Birth date: September 27, 1982
Birth place: Wisconsin
Residence: Minnesota
Nationality: Italian
Grade: Junior in high school
Dexterity: right-handed
Hair: naturally blonde
Eyes: brown

Vocals: Lead vocals and various harmonies.
Instruments: guitar and harmonica
Guitar brand: Fender Stratocaster
First instrument: piano
Idols: Stevie Ray Vaughn, B.B. King, Mary Cutrufello & Jonny Lang.

Favorite song on 3rd CD (I've Aways To Go): Fallin' In Love Again written by JD Steele

Recreational interests: football, baseball, hockey and fishing
Personal Goals: "to become a famous accomplished musician and stay there"
Favorite vacation spot: Disney World, Florida
Favorite color: blue
Favorite movie: American Pie
Favorite food: peanut butter ice cream with chocolate syrup on it, peanut butter and banana sandwiches with chocolate chips on it (sometimes), or steak fajhitas.
Favorite Drink: non-alcoholic strawberry dacaries
Siblings: Pinky (12) and Tony (3).

Justin's Girlfriend


Height:5 feet 2 inches
What Justin Says about Anne: "She is my baby, and absolutely gorgeous!"
Anne's influence: Justin has recently written a song about her titled "Along the Way".
