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Welcome to 
Calvary Pines Baptist Church

35386 County Rd. 177 (N. Bass Lake Rd.)
P.O. Box 127
Cohasset, MN 55721-0127 USA
Pastor: Dan Yoder    Send an Email...   Pastor Dan Yoder
Calvary Pines Baptist Church Calvary Pines Baptist Church  is a classic country church -- built from the pines that were felled when clearing the property. We call it "The Come as You are Church" because you can come to sevices in a suit or jeans, skirt or slacks, whatever you're comfortable with. We're not here to inspect clothes, but to worship the Lord and to get closer to Him.

Weekly Schedule

Worship Service 9:30 AM Sunday
Sunday School 10:40 AM Sunday
Evening Service 7:00 PM Sunday
Bible Study 7:15 PM Wednesday
Los Cocacolos Youth Group 7:00 PM Wednesday


Take US Highway 2 East of Cohasset, turn North on County Road 62 (East Bass Lake Road), six miles to corner of County Road 256 (East Bass Lake Road).

Country Gospel Music In The Pines

Country Gospel Music in the Pines A monthly Saturday evening country jam session dedicated to praising the Lord in music. The picture shows some of the participants at the December 1998 session. Everyone is welcome to take part - just sign up at the door. Refreshments are provided, free. There's no charge and no offering is taken! Call for the date of the next session or other information: 326-1945.
Los Cocacolos Youth Group
Los Cocacolos at play during VBS Through most of the world's history, there was no word "teen-ager" - by the time you had double digits in your age you were considered a "young adult." We've gone back to that philosophy at Calvary Pines. We give adult responsibilities and privileges in our youth group. (The name of the group comes from the only Spanish language term for that age group - derived, of course, from the kids' favorite beverage.)

These young people know how to have a good time, but they also know how to tackle any adult task from teaching Sunday School to writing and producing a full Easter pageant.

A Few Things God Wants You to Know:

Every one is a sinner... we have all done, said, or thought things that are displeasing to God -

"...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
- Romans 3:23
The result of our sin is eternal death - "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
- Romans 6:23
By accepting Jesus' death and resurrection for us, we are freed from the guilt of our sin and have eternal life - "...if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."
- Romans 10:9 - 10

Calvary Pines Baptist Church is associated with the Southern Baptist Convention

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