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Paul Harvey clip: Love letter to an addict

GUIDE TO MEDITATION & YOGA Feel the stress melt away with the ancient arts of yoga and meditation to bring your emotional well-being into balance and keep your body fit! No classes to join, no monthly fees. "I am left with a sense of peace and relaxation that I did not think was possible in my busy life..." (Miriam W) For more information go to: eYoga
Episodes of the quirky Northern Exposure are on Hallmark Channel occasionally. And episodes of the even quirkier "Twin Peaks" are sometimes on Bravo. Monstervision review & host segments of the Twin Peaks movie "Firewalk With Me."
Fun fact:
According to Ripley's Believe It Or Not, the 800-mile long Aruwimi River, which flows through the Aruwimi Forest in the Congo, was unwittingly named by famous explorer David Livingstone. He asked a native what the name of the river was. The native replied "Aruwimi," which means, "What is he saying?"
“The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope” - Henry Ward Beecher
Or check out current prime-time History Channel listings
This website created by Bill Laidlaw in 1999 and updated semi-monthly ever since then.
© Bill Laidlaw All rights reserved.
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Take the Gilligan's Island Poll: which one would you vote off the island first? The last time I checked, Mrs. Howell and Regis had a third of the vote each, with no one else even close. He never shoulda irritated everyone by firing Kathy Lee.
Gonads are useful for their purpose but they are no substitute for brains
He jests at scars that never felt a wound