John Bloom, actor, comedian, and satirist, is best known for his alter ego Joe Bob Briggs, a Texas wise acre who can be seen on Turner Network Television (TNT) every Saturday night as the cult film historian host of MonsterVision. Joe Bob's fans run the gamut from middle America to Martin Scorcese who cast him opposite Robert DeNiro in Casino to John Woo who put him in his action film Face/Off, with John Travolta and Nicolas Cage. John is presently putting the finishing touches on his screenplay The Joe Bob Story, which has been described as a country/western This is Spinal Tap. The film is scheduled to begin production in the fall.
Prior to joining TNT, John hosted "Joe Bob's Drive-in Theater" for The Movie Channel. It was their highest rated show and John was twice nominated for a Cable ACE award. Under the Joe Bob Briggs byline, John also wrote a nationally syndicated column distributed by the New York Times Syndicate. John has also written 6 books of humor, criticism, and journalism, the most recent of which was "Iron Joe Bob," Joe Bob's long awaited volume on relationships and the "assorted sexes."
As Joe Bob, John has also written over 250 syndicated radio programs and the one-man show "An Evening with Joe Bob," which has played to sold-out houses across the country. He was also a contributing correspondent on FOX's "Front Page." A frequent guest on various television programs, John has appeared on "Married...With Children," the ABC miniseries "The Stand," and Great Balls of Fire. John was born in Dallas, grew up in Little Rock, attended Vanderbilt University, and now lives in New York City.
Archived copy of this page at, including Joe Bob's picture as "God Guy"
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That list of 10 things the way it might be written today:
And don't covet thy neighbour's ass - that's in rule #10 in the original version