The bittersweet sequel to Star Treks I, II, III and IV
was indeed the "Final Frontier", one last voyage for our heroic Captain Kirk and the brave crew of the Enterprise – except for another one to follow. And then of course the several dozen spin-offs and spin-off sequels to follow. "The Final Frontier" sees a special guest appearance by the one character fit to take equal billing with William Shatner: God.
And so this RiffTrax deserves an awe-inspiring guest appearance by none other than Kevin Murphy, Mike's riffing companion (as Tom) for years on the Satellite of Love! It's a RiffTrax lover's dream come true. (And Mike and Kevin promise not to make any jokes comparing the Enterprise and Charmin toilet paper.)
Star Trek V (click twice to play clip)
Star Trek V (an even weirder clip)
Here's how it works. If you do not already own a copy of this fine film, simply click your choice of DVD or VHS video below:
"Star Trek V" availability on VHS video and
on DVD and even
books (though I'm not sure it works as well to read a book while listening to the MP3)
Now click the banner below for the RiffTrax website and get Mike's commentary on MP3 (it only costs a couple of bucks). Then play the MP3 on your favorite computer or MP3 player while you enjoy the movie, for running commentary by Mike plus the voices of Tom and Crow T. Robot. To put Mike's voice directly on the movie DVD and sell it all together would have meant buying rights to the movie and who has that kind of money? Especially after Crow lost all the money from the guys' MST3000 years to some fellow in Nigeria who promised to wire millions of dollars to Mike as soon as he got the bank account number...