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ANACONDA [PG13]·Horror·1997·(1:29)
A film crew heads into the South American jungle searching for a lost tribe of natives - but when they pick up a crazed man with a story about a giant snake, things get wild in this over-the-top action-monster treat! With Jon Voight.
ANGELS & DEMONS [PG13]·Book Based·2009·(2:19)
The pope is dead and the candidates to replace him have been kidnapped - a secret group vows to kill the cardinals and destroy Vatican City. Can famed Harvard prof Robert Langdon save the day? Prequel to The DaVinci Code.
BLADE II [R]·Action·2002·(1:57)
Vampire hunter Blade returns! A blood virus has created a new breed of monsters, and the only way for Blade to stop them is to team up with a group of vampires - his sworn enemies! From the director of Hellboy, Pan's Labyrinth.
BOLT [PG]·Adventure·2008·(1:36)
Bolt - a spunky dog playing a canine superhero on television - doesn't know that his powers won't work outside the studio. But nothing will stop him from a real-world rescue mission with two unlikely partners!
In "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" the 4 Pevensie kids are swept back to magical Narnia, where they join the struggle to restore Prince Caspian to his rightful throne.
In 'Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs', a young inventor discovers how to make food literally rain from the sky - but no one expected such giant servings! A hilarious, action-packed animated tale. Music by Devo.HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL [R]·Horror·1999·(1:33)
A sadistic amusement park owner offers five strangers a million dollars each if they can survive a night in a house that once was an asylum - and is haunted by the ghosts of its criminally insane inmates! With Taye Diggs, Ali Larter.
JURASSIC PARK III [PG13]·Adventure·2001·(1:32)
Dr. Grant and team are persuaded to return to abandoned Jurassic Park to see how the vicious velociraptors have evolved their intelligence - he gets an up close look when a helicopter crash plunges them all onto the deadly island!
The epic tale of Middle Earth, Hobbits, evil Lord Sauron and a powerful ring begins here! Winner of 4 Oscars, blockbuster special effects and magical story-telling. With Ian McKellen, Sean Astin, Orlando Bloom, Cate Blanchett.
MONSTERS, INC. [G]·Animated·2001·(1:32)
When a young girl accidentally enters Monstropolis - a secret city powered by energy from children's nightmares - it's up to a pair of friendly monsters to set things right. Oscar-winning fun from the director of 'Up.'
RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN [PG]·Action·2009·(1:38)
In this action/adventure, a cabbie and two aliens from another planet - disguised as kids - go on the run from both the military and a deadly mutant killer from outer space. Can they get to their space ship and escape?
SPEED [R]·Action·1994·(1:56)
Rush hour will never be the same! Oscar-winning action- thriller about a city bus, wired to explode if it dips below 50 mph, and the wild ride that ensues. With Dennis Hopper, Jeff Daniels.
THE STEPFATHER [PG13]·Horror·2009·(1:41)
A divorced mom falls for a man who preaches the importance of family. But her teenage son has doubts, and a neighbor thinks he looks like a murder suspect she saw on an unsolved mysteries tv show- does the stepdad have a secret?
The Next Generation: folks lost in the woods encounter Leatherface and a family of psychopathic cut-ups. Watch this one for the pre-fame performances of McConaughey and Renee in a gruesome horrorfest!
ZOMBIELAND [R]·Comedy·2009·(1:28)
In a world overrun by zombies, two men - a hyper-talker and a taciturn redneck - set out to rid the world of the walking dead in this over-the-top horror-comedy. With Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin, Bill Murray, Woody Harrelson. A great philosopher once said stick around after the credits for Bill Murray's back-from-the-dead cameo!
"2012" [PG13]·Action·2009·(2:38)
Solar flares creating instability at the Earth's core lead to an apocalyptic series of spectacular natural disasters in this blockbuster special effects epic. Mega-earthquakes, toppling skyscrapers, massive tidal waves and more!
Starz Encore's other channels are Starz Edge, Starz Kids, Starz Comedy, Starz Cinema, and Encore, Encore Family, formerly Wam, Encore Action, Encore Mystery Suspense, Encore Drama formerly True, Encore Westerns, Encore Love, Encore Movieplex, Encore RetroPlex, Encore IndieplexPut this on your bligity blogs and facey spaces
Doc Hudson is the Hudson Hornet
If anyone asks, I was smashin' mailboxes with Lightning McQueen
"Raiders Of The Lost Ark" and other popular movies as told in 30 seconds by cartoon bunnies...unless you prefer The Spider-Man Bunny
August 2015
If you like Lord Of The Rings, the White Witch recommends The Chronicles of Narnia...Aslan is on the move
April 2015
January 2011
December 2010
December 2009
Nov-December 2008
December 2007
So it's a lady House. What?!