plasmaball Marilyn Manson

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Marilyn Manson vs. Alice Cooper

It used to be that parents were scared that their kids would listen to the music of that Alice Cooper guy and turn into Satan worshippers. There was even a rumor going around that KISS stood for "Kings In Satan's Service" (come to think of it, the rumor was started by their agent). And then there's Marilyn Manson.
Here's what Mike Nelson of Mystery Science Theater 3000 says:

Alice Cooper "The kids today, with their Britney Spears, their Ethernets, their Thinsulate gloves, their oil-filled baseboard heaters... they think they got it all over us. Well, maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I remember a time when we didn't have MP3 or other highfalutin compression codes; data was uncompressed--and we liked it that way!"
There was no Marilyn Manson to be seen anywhere--we had Alice Cooper, and he was perfectly satanic for us, thank you very much! The truth is I grew up in the '70s and '80s, and I still can't accept the fact that my nostalgia is Jack Wagner and Styx. I want there to have been Rocket Roswell: Space Patrol in my past. But all I've got is Gary Numan's Cars. The synthesizer solo in the middle eight erodes my self-esteem.

Mike Nelson continued on to do a review of The Shadow but that's on a different page. Anyway check out Marilyn Manson vs. Alice Cooper

Also out on DVD:
"You've Got Mail (1998) is allegedly based on an old movie and play (Little Shop Around The Corner), but was, in reality, based on a WAV file attachment in the America Online software. That WAV file doesn't hold up as a full-length movie. It should have been expanded to a JPEG file and shown to test audiences before making the leap to film."

"The Shadow" is available on on DVD from

Books by Michael Nelson available from include Movie Megacheese. Mike's episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 are also available from on video and on DVD, and he co-wrote the book

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© 2000 Michael J. Nelson. All rights reserved, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles & reviews. Mike Nelson is no relation to Lloyd Bridges and has never run low on air while hunting around under the sea.

© Bill Laidlaw. All rights reserved. School's out. Welcome to my nightmare.