This site is moving to www.paulklenk.net.
“Paul Klenk on the Internet: Business, Society & The Arts” will link to my entire Internet presence.
Commercial sites, like StraightWay Studio and WebSiteonaStick.com, will be located in the Business section.
Friends, family and the Internet community can visit the Society page for personal news, events, and ideas from the sober to the irreverent.
The Arts will be an arena for my creative side: visual, literary, and performance. Origami, film reviews, song recitals — they’ll all be here.
New additions will be easily accessed via the front page. View a preview of my opening composition: a send-up of the Clinton crisis told with the help of the new 33-cent postage stamps.
Expect each feature to delight, challenge and entertain. For now, please access this site. Contents of this site will eventually migrate to www.paulklenk.net.