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The PC Crew's Pictures

This is Jonny and Casey being fags.

Once again, Jonny and Casey being fags.

No, Jonny is not drunk, he's just flapping his ear. He likes to flap ears for some reason.

Jon Jon's Cheesin' for the camera.

Nates TRYIN' to pimp on some honeys...

These were our buds from down the hall. The one on the left got with the pizza guy.

Some hoes cheesin' it up for the camera.

(Paul thinking to himself...) "Mmmm... I wish I could stick my tongue on HIS nipples."

Who's god damn schlong is this?!?!?!.

Um, I forgot to mention that you do need to be at least 18 years or older to view this sight.

The sun tuckered us out for the night...