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Retropoet Sidecar

Welcome to my homepage. Please come back and visit again! I don't believe in images for my pages because they slow down the loading process. Jump in quick, read a few lines, and jump out quick. My first homepage was at geo cities. It is called Retropoet Central Station. It has pages of humor, copyrighted poetry, and my thoughts about music and movies and other rants and raves. I call this homepage Retropoet Sidecar because it was created after Centra Station. This site will contain original poetry by me. If there is room, I will have a monster link list. If not, then visit my other homepage. Let the main page load, then use your browser's file option to open a new window on the poem of your choice. Angelfire has no ads on these pages, so it will download very fast. When you have read the poem, close that window. That way you won't have to reload the main page. Please take the time to e-mail me or sign my guestbook, which is found at geocities.

Poems by the Retropoet

Of Unbecoming
A touch so delicate
It Doesn't Matter
Empty Wall
A Love Poem
The Universe is...
The Songster
Trilogy In Two Parts
This is Deducted From the One I Love
Dreariness Relieved
I'm Walking and Stumbling
The Last Time I
My Little Brain
Red Ball Jets
A Wealth of Material

Other Angelfire Services and Retropoet pages

A Free Angelfire Email Account.
Best homepage of the month.
News from Angelfire.
Introduction to the Retropoet
Retropoet Central Station
Retropoetry by Others
Retropoet Link-Fest
Bridge Table of Contents

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