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Teddy's Masonic Page

Here we will show interesting Masonic documents.

May I share with you my surprise when I read in
the "Book of the Words" by Albert Pike,
written in 1879 and recently published a
facsimile edition by
"The Scottish Rite Research Society"-Washington,D.C.,U.S.A.
where he clearly brings masonic symbols
in hebrew words.

Some examples from Pike's book.

Hebraic influence in the Ritual of Adoption Masonry.
Source:Andres Cassard's
"Masonic Manual" (Manual de Masoneria).Barcelona, Spain 1871.

Translated from spanish version:Fragment:

Q: Are you a Fellow Mason?
A: Give me an Apple and you'll judge.
Q: How did you become a FM?
A: By a Fruit and an Oath.
Q: What is the status of a Lady Mason?
A: Happiness to which we are destined.
Q: How do you arrive to Happiness?
A: By the help of the Middle TREE.
Q: Give the Sign of a FM.
A: It's given.
Q: Give me the Password.
Q: How does a FM travel?
A: In Noah's Arc.

Facsimil reprints of 1723
first page of Andesron's Constitution (left),
presented by Duke of Wharton, Grand Master
and Desaguliers, Deputy Grand Master (right).
Macoy's "Little Masonic Library".

Title page of "Barker" Bible
printed in 1599.

Psalms from the Bible.
Parts of the Psalms are read in some Rites
and in some Lodges.

Old Documents.

"Michael L. Segall" wrote:(e-mail response)
Dear Bro. Teddy,
There are disclosures of women's rituals as early as 1740/1745, which would indicate that the rituals existed even earlier. Two examples are "the Perfect Mason", anonymous and not dated but thought to have been published in 1740, and the "The Broken Seal", anonymous too but dated 1745, which confirms the antiquity of the former by mentioning it, and the gender for which it was intended by calling it "a good ritual for women". The Broken Seal also mentions the existence of a women's Masonic ritual in 7 degrees and gives the catechism of the 4th, called Scottish Mason degree.
Italso gives much information about the first three degrees, practically identical to those which were later used by the Rite of Adoption and became well known later, when used at the Royal Court of Versailles by a number of famous women among which the Princess of Lamballe, Marie Antoinette's close friend. Later, the same Rite of Adoption was used by Rob Morris to set up the ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star and was still used by women's lodges between the two World Wars. It is still used to this very day by ONE lodge of the Feminine Grand Lodge of France, called Cosmos, the other lodges having adopted male rituals in the 1950s.
Fraternally, Mike Segall, PM
LoR John Scot Erigena #1001
GL of France, Paris

"Carta di Bologna" a 1248 Document (italian translation from latin.)

"Regius Manuscript" a c.1390 Masonic Document.

Extraordinary digital library on the web
that includes old masonic books and journals.

Masonic Tools.

Masons that signed the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America.

Old Masonic Magazine.


Old Esoteric Magazine.

Symbolized Masonic Lord's Prayer. Original from ca. 1875.

The first recorded Minutes
of the Grand Lodge of England,
24 June 1723. Document existing at the
Library and Museum of

In the WebPage of
the Supreme Council of the
33 and last Degree
of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Spain (in spanish),
interesting and old
Masonic Historic Documents.

A nice collection of Trestle Board images
put together in a Website by
Bro.Jacques Huyghebaert from Prague.

Brother General Oglethorpe's Bible.
Still in use by Solomon's Lodge No.1,
the oldest Lodge in USA continiously
operating since its creation.

The Ancient

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Webmaster:Touvia (Teddy) Goldstein
Updated: February 21, 2005