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'); output.document.write('

Ultimate Futbol Search Results

'); output.document.write('
'); output.document.write(' The Keyword(s) you searched : '.big() ) for (i=1; i<=keywords[0]; i++) { output.document.write( keywords[i].bold() +" "); } output.document.write('
'); if (found[0]==0) { //alert(found[0]); output.document.write('
'); output.document.write("No matches resulted in this search
"); output.document.write("You may close the results and reduce the length/number of the keywords
"); } else { // data has been found output.document.write("
The Results of the search are : "); output.document.write( found[0] +" Entries found ".italics()); output.document.write(""); for (i=1; i<=found[0];i++) { output.document.write("
"); output.document.write("

" +i +"

"); output.document.write("
"); itemp=found[i]; output.document.write(desc[itemp].bold() +"
" + links[itemp].link(links[itemp])+"
"); temp= (matched[itemp]/keywords[0])*100 output.document.write(" Matched with keywords : " +temp+" % " ); matched[itemp]=0 } found[0]=0; output.document.write("
"); } output.document.write ("
"); output.document.write ("
") output.document.write ("") output.document.write ("
") }
This search engine will search my site. Just type in what you wish to find, and then click on the Search button. The results will show up in a pop-up window.
Currently this search engine will not search the majority of my link pages but you should be able to search them in about one week.


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