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Nicholas Brendon

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Finale: 'Graduation Day: Part Two' Is Set to air Tueasday, July 13 AT 8:00 PM on the WB

"Well it's good to know that when the chips are down and things look grim, you'll feed off the girl that loves you to save your ass!" - Xander Graduation Day: Part two

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What I know about Nicholas Brendon's career

Newcomer Nicholas Brendon, who portrays the sarcastic Xander with sensitivity and humor, already has an impressive list of credits in television and film.

With his aspirations of playing professional baseball set aside when an arm injury cut his sports career short, he turned to the acting game for a new challenge. Soon after, he made his television debut in a Clearasil commercial.

But, as roles were few and far between, he persevered in entertainment and switched to the other side of the camera, working as a television production assistant on "Dave's World." When he nailed an audition for a gueststarring role on the series, Nick gained the confidence he needed and continued to pursue his new dream of becoming an actor. Fate soon smiled upon him and he was called in to audition for the role in the wonerdful new WB hit series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

In television, he had a recurring role on the daytime soap opera "The Young and the Restless". He played an evil corn follower in the feature film "Children of the Corn IIIUrban Harvest,", although he only had one short half an hour sence with no lines at all. Also starring in Los Angeles theatre productions of "The Further Adventures of Tom Sawyer" at Theatre West, "My Own Private Hollywood" at The Black Hole Theatre and "Out of Gas on Lovers' Leap" at the Pasadena Playhouse.

. . . . . . . . . . . . check out my Nicholas Brendon picture gallery here . . . . . . . . . . .

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