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Drew Martinek - Bass guitar

¤What gets your creative juices flowin' to help you write a song?¤

For lyrics, when something I feel strongly about comes to my head I write it down in song. I don't think, I write (Well, I have to think otherwise I can't write it...) - But for music, I try to mix bass lines that I find attractive with the guitar and drums.

¤What is your favorite style or technique to use when you are playing your instrument?¤

Styles - I think that just a couple notes with some odd rhythms can sound really cool. I love funk/slap just cuz it's sort of unique when it's combined with other types of music, and of course - it's always nice putting in some rock type styles.

Techniques - I play it like I mean it!

¤How did you start playing bass?¤

I always liked the soothing deep tone sound of bass, and the fact that bass is usually what people are turning up on their stereos. I also think that, like drums, it's one of the glues that keeps a song peiced together. I started playing it when I was like 13 years old, and couldn't stay away from it ever since (It's a bond, you see).

¤List some of your major influences¤

311 is rad, they have a ton of impact on my musical life. P-nut from 311 has just insane bass lines that I never get tired of hearing.

Primus - Les Claypool... those bass lines make me delirious and speechless. They're amazing, I get dizzy while listening to them.

Everyone in Unwaxed. I'm best friends with all of them, we all love making music. We learn through the process and I have tons of fun making music and just chillin' with all my brotha's. And basically all my other friends. And the fans, can't forget the fans, and I mean the REAL fans (I like you guys a lot).

¤What kind of equipment do you use?¤

I have a 180 watt Fender bass amp. - for my bass of course, which by the way is a Soundgear by Ibanez. I usually go with the GHS strings cuz the lower notes have a deeper sound, while the higher sound cooler when I pluck 'em. For my peddles, I have a ODB - 3 Boss overdrive peddle. Oh yeah, I have a model GCB - 100 Crybaby bass wah - wah that doesn't work. Recently I bought a model 105Q Crybaby bass wah - wah. I still have the old crappy one though.

¤What's the best part of playing a concert for people?¤

Well, whenever I first get on, it's like "Wow, people are looking at me and I'll be making music for them to listen too" - I don't think it out that elaborately, but I mean, when I first get up there it's a bit nervous, but then we run through a song and it's like "Damn..." (if you will) cuz I see people bobbing their heads and hopefully having a good time. The best is when people jump around though, we like that, as we so clearly state in one of our songs - 'When you hear our music, jump around, that's how you've got to act...'

¤How do you prepare yourself before a concert?¤

I don't, the band and friends just kind of hang out and stuff. Maybe a few of us meditate, it's always a possibility, but none of the others know at least. I for one, don't really do anything special before. We just chill.

¤In a word, or less (which is practically impossible), how would you describe Unwaxed music?¤

Well, I guess - "z" There, I said it in less than a word. HA HA HA. But really - "funktastic".

¤Do you have a favorite of your songs?¤

No, I don't really have a favorite song of ours. That's too hard to decide anyway. Although, I would have to say Simply Made is a really fun song to play at out-door concerts. Our new songs have become more ellaborate from adding in sound effects and stuff, so that makes it a little more fun. I kind of ran off the subject... No, no favorites.

¤What would you say has been your best experience with the band?¤

Geez, doing shows and recording on the 4-track. Mostly recording because we are all stuck with eachother and we have to wait for a really long time for everything to be put together. It may not sound like much fun, but I guess you'd have to be there. Ha, Tyler and I were talking about covering all the windows for about a week, and just sitting in the practice room recording. We were wondering how long it would take with the dark and eerie setting for someone to die.

¤What is your favorite animal?¤

I like pretty much all reptiles and amphibians. But I'm looking at a squirell right now, I guess I like them too. The squirell I'm looking at is really fat. I guess they're like nothing else on earth.

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