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Greg Reese - Vocals & Keyboard

¤What gets your creative juices flowin' to help you write a song?¤

well, i guess at night usually, when im about to go to sleep. i lie down and stuff starts to pop in to my head, i guess its the only time of the day when im really thinking about stuff, and its a good enviornment...

¤What is your favorite style or technique to use when you are singing?¤

im not sure, i guess i like to sing higher stuff rather then lower, cuz i dont have as good of a lower range, and thats about it.

¤How did you know you wanted to sing in a band?¤

my choir teacher told me i had an excellent range and a good voice. i was already in the band at that point, but that made me really realize why i sing in a band.

¤List some of your major influences¤

my most major influence is the other members of the band, they made me try harder and use my voice to better the band, and they boosted my confidence which improved my singing, so id have to say that my band is the biggest influence. My band is really the only influence i have, my other friends didnt really "approve" of me being in a band, when i told them they all laughed at me, so yeah, my band was really the only influence i had...

¤What kind of equipment do you use?¤

i use a shure microphone, and i plug it into an 80 watt kpm-480 kustom pa system.

¤What's the best part of playing a concert for people?¤

i love playin concerts, i just like letting other people get a chance to hear our music and enjoy it as much as the rest of the band and i do...

¤How do you prepare yourself before a concert?¤

i usually drink lots of juice to sooth my throat, and then i just relax with my band to conserve energy for the show, usually we just hang out and play video games or have light practices.

¤In a word, or less (which is practically impossible), how would you describe Unwaxed music?¤

soothing, or funktified

¤Do you have a favorite of your songs?¤

let yourself go is my favorite of the newer ones, i like its slow tempo and its calming guitar and vocals.

¤What would you say has been your best experience with the band?¤

I have two that are both the best, the first one is just hanging out all day at the quest. and then the second is the trips to the church...and then goin to SA afterwords

¤What is your favorite animal?¤

my favorite animal...hmm, i dont know what its called, but i was watching the discovery channel and i saw this little red fox looking animal and that was awesome, otherwise i like penguins... and dogs

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