What are we here for, why do we exist, and what the hell is that thing in that tub next to Ryouga Hibiki. These are all questions we've asked ourselves. Sometimes we get an answer. Sometimes, we don't really want the answer.
What Are We (AGNERVUE) Here For?: We're here to keep the wonderfully witty world of Captioning alive and well. What is Captioning, you may ask, but we'll have to answer that below, after the next two questions, because it would ruin the flow.
Why Do We (AGNERVUE) Exist?: You may not have seen NERV or the various other sites that feature caption contests, but if you did, you may notice a number of things: 1) They are constantly moving or stopping short. Poor NERV has closed, revived, changed addresses, closed, and changed addresses again and again. 2) They often don't get enough attention. Either they're reliant on viewer support too much or they just don't get decent enough responses. One site, M&M (Makoto and Minako) has had numerous problems translating l33t and Bullshit-ese.
What The HELL Is That Thing In The Tub Next To Ryouga Hibiki?: You don't want us to answer that. Especially with the fact that we'd probably give you a shitty little answer.
Some people might not be getting the full extent of the jokes. I know I shouldn't have to point these out, but for the sake of adding more laughter to your day, and as a precaution, I would like you to note the three parts to the captioned pictures which might add to the joke.
1)The Picture Text - On the captioned picture, usually around the bottom, you will find this and read it. Laugh. LAUGH, DAMN YOU! BOOHOOHOOHOO!
2)The Link Text - The text for the link is either a funny lead in or a good parting shot. Admire the pathetic wit.
3) The Picture Title - You may need your address bar up for this. Not all pictures have titles that add to the joke, but they can be fun nonetheless.
Now that I've explained the multiple layers of humor on this site, I shall grant you freedom to move about this place. You may take the humorous pictures if you like or you may link to my webpages, but do not distribute the images within. Please.
BIG NEWS! AGNERVUE HAS A FORUM (even if it is on Yahoo)! Yes, that means that those of you too lazy to e-mail me (or afraid I'd lose it), there's now going to be a forum where you can post your pictures! Also, people who have no talent (or are too lazy) for captioning pics properly can put their ideas down!
The address is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/agnervue
09-03-2004 - Evangelion is now the Sci Fi folder. Hopefully, we'll bring in more comments this way.