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undefined Good News UMM History

GoodNews UMM History Archive

Below is how the website look when I used to do a booktable with different people between 99'- 02'. I became busy with other outreaches, which my time doing the booktable ended. Now, I'm using this website more of an outreach tool.

"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." -Mark 16:15"

WELCOME! the Good News Homepage. This ministry is dedicated to the table ministry we do to reach the students, faculty, staff, and any others who pass through the Student Center of the University of Minnesota-Morris campus about the "Gospel" (Good News). We do not represent ourselves with any denominational churches, but rather the church body of Jesus Christ as a whole.

Every Wednesdays @11a.m.-2p.m. in UMM Student Center (academic year only)

KUMM 89.7 F.M. Radio: "Good News Show" on Sundays @6p-8p
Summer of 2002 ONLY!

What can you find in our table?

-FREE Bibles, library-books, (others)resources to help build your faith and relationship with Jesus Christ, files on many different local, national, and international ministry non-profit organizations, catalogs for ordering other christian materials (eg. music cds', bibles, books, t-shirts by Living Epistles

What do we show in our televison video display?

-Each week we show various videos on the hour and every hour during our time slot to give a local, national, or world-view perspective on what God is doing (varies)

What music we play in our boombox?

-We play all types of Christian music (Contemporay, rap, gospel, hard rock, worship and praise, and various different ethnic/cultural music based upon environment, crowd, time, or even REQUESTS!

What are other services we offer?

-E-mail GoodNewletter Suscription (local to global news), FREE church or campus ministry calender events publicizing, prayer requests (needs/wants that we can be in service: ride?), list of community volunteering opportunities (make a difference?), questions about the Bible or Christianity overall, need to find a local church, career or church counseling, Brag about God? (share your testimonies on what God is or has done in your life by e-mailing us:, or any other suggestions are always opened to prayfully consideration

Deep Thought of the Month

We live in a mobile home. Hey, there are advantages to living in a mobile home. One time, it caught on fire. We met the fire department half way. -- Ronnie Shakes

College Topic of the Month

Creation: Answers in Genesis

Are you an UMM Alumni?

-If you are a UMM Alum, please e-mail us if you would like to know what God is doing at UMM and how you can support His work here. Or if you would like to be part of our UMM Alumni Christian Network list, which you may be contacted by current UMM students (student organizations) about questions, career opportunities, or even to speak/share what you have in your heart to encourage them in their growth with Christ as students!

Why do I do this?

Personal Testimony

The table is staffed by Salvador Monteagudo (a recent graduate of the UMM) and other dedicated faithful believing students (eg. Nsoozi 00'-01', Juan 01'-02',) that attend the univesity. We encourage people who stop by the table to ask any (we mean any) questions about anything (faith, concerns, relgion, finding a church, career advice, etc...). We also encourage people to feel free to ask about any prayer requests that they might have. Yes, we are and were former students, so please ask us about problems about academics, family life, finance, or anything that students are going through. Ideas on things to do in "Motown". We DO NOT have the answers to every questions, but we can sure help and refer to you a Higher resource.

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Resource Links:

  • Christian Life, what is it?
  • FAQ, questions asked in college/university environments
  • Issues, daily life issues to overcome
  • Multicultural, UMM Alpha's outreach to campus and community of Morris
  • Movies
  • Music
  • Performing Arts
  • Sports
  • UMM Campus Outreach
  • Morris Christian Outreach, faithbuilding opportunities in Morris, MN!
  • Minnesota Christian Outreach
  • United States Christian Outreach
  • Global World-View Christian Outreach
  • FAQ's Links

  • Going to Heaven?
  • Christian Answers
  • Life Way, answers to some of our daily questions

  • Return to the GoodNews UMM Homepage