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Diver Don's

(All text and pictures on this sight are the copyrighted property of Don Crawford unless otherwise noted.)

Check out my newest story, "Divelog Date: 29 October 2000 "
Read all of the stories as you have time and let me know what you think of them and my sight by signing my guestbook.
Also check out the pictures on my links page marked (educational). They identify lots of different sea life.

I haven't updated the content of my site for some time now but I hope you enjoy what is here. I have been tied up with other things the last couple years and have not had a lot of time for diving. I hope you have. Hopefully I can get back to diving soon. In the mean time I hope you enjoy the site. I still receive notification if someone adds something to my "Guest Book" and I usually fire off an email so feel free to add something.

I am a NAUI certified Master Diver. I have been scuba diving since 1994. I enjoy diving in my home state of Minnesota. I dive weekly in the lakes in my area. Sometimes visability is zero and sometimes it is twenty feet. Usually we dive in search of treasure such as anchors and old bottles, etc. I usually dive with the same buddy. We have developed a system of searching and are almost always tethered together with a buddy line. We are usually quite successful in our quest.

I am also a member of GLSPS. (The Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society) I joined this organization in November of 1999. I hope to become active in some of the restoration projects that are now underway.

I also enjoy diving in Lake Superior, the flooded open pit mines near Crosby Minnesota, the waters of the Carribean and anywhere else we may find or see something interesting.

At the bottom of this page I have included some links that will take you on a dive or two with me. Please check these out. I will be changing these dives from time to time so be sure to come back and experience those as well.

I have also included links to some other sights I find useful or interesting. If you should happen to visit one of the dive shops listed, either online or in person, please let them know you saw them at "Diver Don's."

Feel free to browse through the rest of my page to find out what type of eqiupment I use along with some other interesting facts.

Thank you for visiting me at
If you have friends that scuba dive please give them the address so they can visit too.

Please go to my guest book and leave me a note before you leave. *S* Just click on the link at the bottom of this page.

When e-mailing, please type (Diver Don) in the Subject Line so I won't miss your mail.

Please come back and visit again soon!

If you are building a sight or have a homepage and would like to have it listed on more search engines click on this box after you are done checking out my sight. If you bookmark my sight you can come back anytime and look at new things or browse areas you haven't seen yet. Bookmark it now. *S*
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Type of Equipment I dive with:

DUI Dry suit
1/4 inch wet hood and gloves
U.S. Divers Sonic 2 (BC)
80 cu. ft. aluminum tank with 30 cu. ft. Pony bottle (below 40 or 60 ft.)
U.S. Divers Arctic Regulator. Sherwood Brut for the Pony Bottle.
U.S Divers Matrix Dive Computer
Hand tuned, Mares Avanti Quattro fins
Citizen Hyper Aqualand Dive Watch


For Books, Software, Music, Calendars, Gift Certificates, Magazines Etc. that you might need please use the following link. Tell your friends about my page and let them share in the savings as well. Home Page

Some Dive Facts

Join me on a few dives, make sure you visit my links page and please sign my guest book.

Click here to join me on a few dives through stories I've written.

Click here to view some pictures.

Click here to view links to other interesting dive sights.

Click here to sign my guestbook.

Click here to view the dives I made in 2000.

Click here to see the weather anywhere in the world. (type the name of a city in the local weather box and click)

Click here to view my Divelog for 2001

Playa del Carmen Mexico
