Slator and Nugent family history

Descendants of Daniel Nugent and Margaret Russell

Jack Slator and Mary Nugent

Tribute to Danny Slator (1926-1944)

Slator Family Tree

Tracing Lines of Descent (or, what are first cousins, once removed?)

Peter Keating and Christina Anderson page (my mother's side of the family)

What Web page would be complete without a link to soccer coverage by The Irish Times?

"Who am I? Why am I here?"

Historical and other links of interest

Links of Interest

During the countless hours I've spent working on the pages within this Web site, I've come across many, many, excellent Web sites on everything from genealogy to military history. There are too many to list on each separate page within the site, so I decided to collect them all here.

I'll try to group them in some orderly fashion.

The U.K.

The starting place for research on the U.K. is the Public Records Office of England's National Archives, and within that site, the UK Family History Online site. Also within the PRO site is U.K. census information. I am eagerly looking forward to January 2002, when the 1901 census will be available online. I am hoping John Slator's family will show up on the 1901 census. Apparently the 1891 census is near to release online, as a pilot project.

Among the many facets of Rootsweb are mailing lists devoted to a single name or area. I'm on the Liverpool mailing list, but so far I haven't gotten any really useful information or leads.

World War I and the R.I.F.

I have accumulated many Web sites URLs on the 16th Irish Division and the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.

The best site I've seen so far on the 16th Irish Division is titled simply "The 16th Irish Division". It was created by Seamus Hamill-Keays, who is a grandson of John Thomas Robinson, a member of the 8th Battalion of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (which was also John Slator's battalion) who was killed in Belgian Flanders on 16th August 1917.

Speaking of the RIF, they have a museum at The Castle, Enniskillen, in County Fermanagh. Here's a good chronology of the 16th Irish Division, of which John Slator's 49th Brigade of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers were a part. Here's a good one on the RIF by the Fame of Tipperary Group. Although's site on the RIF is incomplete and under construction, it's still pretty good.

Someone named Chris Baker has created a fascinating site called The British Army in the Great War that contains a chronological list of the activities of the RIF, and a page on the history and order of battle of the16th Irish Division. There's even a section on "How to research Grandad," with references to the Imperial War Museum and the Western Front Association. This site refers to another site called Kitchener's Men: 1914-1918 Resource Site, which focuses on research about the British Army. There's also what appears to be a pretty good site called The Great War, 1914-1918.

Here's one by the Royal Dublin Fusiliers Association.


A useful starting point for Canadian genealogy research is the National Archives of Canada.

Here's the site for the City of Steinbach, Manitoba.

World War II: Canada and the 12th Manitoba Dragoons

I'll start with the official site of the museum of the 12th Manitoba Dragoons and 26th Field Artillery Regiment, a place I hope to visit this summer.

Perhaps the best site I've seen on Canada in World War II is called "The Valor & the Horror: Canada at War". It appears to be a companion site to a program that aired on Canadian television. It's excellent.

A section of the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps site that's devoted to the 12th Manitoba Dragoons. Within the site of Veterans Affairs Canada is a section on The Second World War. The site contains an account of the Canadians' part in sealing off the Falaise pocket.

Here are the URLs for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, the The Debt of Honour Register, Canadian Defense Department, and the Canadian Army's Official Site.

A fascinating site is the Canadian Letters and Images Project. It describes itself as "an online archive of the Canadian war experience, from any war, as told through the letters and images of Canadians themselves. "

[to be continued...]

Mail to: [my first name]@[my last name].us

Created on April 18, 2001, last updated on December 29, 2003.

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