welcome to digital sprinkles

A message from Nik and Lin:

Thanks for visiting our site! Rock on!

:::What you should know::: [READ before LOOKIN around]

:::About Digital Sprinkles:::[What this is all about]

:::FAQ:::[Frequently Asked Questions]

:::MAILBAG:::[Your questions..answered]

:::ME:::[All about Sprinkles]

:::THE GIRL KNOWN AS LIN:::[Sprinkle's sidekick]

:::Writings::: Lyrics, Songs, Peoms]

:::QUOTES:::[Some famouse and not so famouse words]

:::LINS CRITIC CORNER:::[The truth hurts]

::Sprinkles Story Center:::The fic is in here]

:::SPRINKLE'S LIVE JOURNAL:::[Go on, Be nosey.]
{To read her old journal, click here }

:::SHOUTOUTS:::[To my homedawgs]

:::Lin's Journal::: Her so-called life]

:::EDITORIALS:::[Move Over, NewsWeek]

[Links ]Check these out:::

Questions? Comments? Email Sprinkles




Some letters will be posted in the 'Mailbag' Section of this site. Feel free to add us to you "MSN" Messenger list.

We won't forget you.

In honor the of innocent lives lost on September 11th, take a moment and visit this websit as a tribute to the innocent people who were victims of these terrorist acts.

Stop Again.